I like the idea that Nagatoro accepted this dare expecting Naoto to be ineffective at giving her orders. However, Studio Naoto’s been gettin’ gangbanged by anons, as we’ve seen in his Asks, and he’s come out a bit stronger-willed as a result. So he’s put what he’s learned to good use here, hopefully people’s imaginations can fill in the gaps as we witness the aftermath here.
With this pic, my goal of getting Nagatoro’s whole friend group into the Studio is complete. Sakura’s the “nice” one of the four where, even though she can still say some pretty cutting things and manipulate guys, she says it in a sweet voice that makes her come across as less malicious than the others.
I’d kinda like to do at least one pic of Nagatoro with each of her friends, and so now we can cross Yoshi off that list. Most of Yoshi’s lines in the show are repeating what was just said (usually from Gamo-chan, who she follows around like a puppy), and I wanted to incorporate that element of her personality into this pic.
Here’s the result of the second fusion poll I ran on SubscribeStar. This time people voted for Nagatoro and Toga, two girls known for their… expressive dispositions. Despite the faces she makes, Nagatoro’s not really a yandere like Toga is, but I think their personalities meld pretty well, as do their appearances here (I hope).
I thought this Ask would be kind of a fun sequel to Gamo-chan’s debut pic, and a chance to have her and Nagatoro actually get involved a little bit. Not too much to add to this one, though, since I think it’s pretty self-explanatory and straightforward.
Nagatoro has three friends she hangs out with in Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro. They’re all kinda similar types of schoolgirls, but they each have their own quirks and charm to them. I plan to eventually draw all of them, but for now I wanted to do something simple with Nagatoro and Maki Gamou, or Gamo-chan. Gamo-chan’s easily the most prominent girl in the series behind Nagatoro herself, and is also my personal favorite if her friends. I really like her hair color, and her unusual face and expressions are very fun. I will probably be drawing her again before too long, though hopefully I’ll have something with Yoshi and Sakura before too long as well.
I recently watched the newer anime, Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro, which is all about Nagatoro here teasing and bullying a young man Naoto (or Sempai) to comedic effect. Nagatoro is pretty cute, and makes lots of entertaining faces when she’s in her bullying mode. I just wanted to do a quick, fun little thing taking things to a bit higher level than what we see in the show, with Naoto in the foreground taking advantage of the view (which he’d never do in the show).