I actually started this one about a year or so ago, but had to back off because I was having trouble making the Rugrats style work with my own. I came back to it recently, though, and I think I’ve got it worked out about how I like. This won’t be the last AGU MomSwap, I’m sure, but I can’t say for sure when the next one will come along.
I wanted to do a MomSwap with these two for a long time. Hilda’s really cute, and I like her show, but I’m also extremely fond of Johanna as a MILF. I’d put it off because the show has a unique art style that I wasn’t prepared to grapple with, but doing that David Mini Commission earlier kinda forced me to experiment with it. For that pic I tried to stick closely to the show’s style where I could, but since the MomSwap series is set in the Xoverse, I tend to blur the art style a bit more for these pics than if I was doing something set exclusively in the Hilda universe. Of course I still tried to reference how they look in the show as much as I could, but that’s why this pic might look a bit more homogenized than the David one did.
I started watching Laid-Back Camp in January, and I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit. I really like anime that’s just about cute girls hanging out, which is exactly what this show is. Rin Shima, or Shimarin, is the first girl we meet and arguably the main character of the show (her and Nadeshiko kinda share that spot), and she’s got a hot mom so I knew right away I’d want to bring them into this series. Nadeshiko also has a hot mom, and I plan to draw them for MomSwap eventually, but I’ll probably do another mother/daughter pairing or two first. I have a lot more planned for the Laid-Back Camp girls down the road, though it’ll probably be spaced out since I don’t think many of my followers know this show or are clamoring to see the characters from it.
So here’s a little more Owl House! Luz, the protagonist of the series, is really cute and I’m looking forward to using her in a variety of pics in the future. One thing I wanted to do right away, though, was to get her into the MomSwap series with her hot nurse mom. Camila doesn’t appear to play a large role in the series from what I’ve seen (though that might change), but I knew as soon as I saw her I wanted to get these two in on this series. I decided to do something a bit tamer with them, just some naked foot massage, though I’m not opposed to returning to this pairing in the future with something more explicit.
Also, I posted a new fic over in the Literature Directory today. It’s the first volume of a new series, titled MILF Hunter Jade. You can check it out here, if that sounds up your alley: https://nearhentai.com/literature/milf-hunter-jade-chapter-one-shopping-trip/
I’ve been really fond of Mako’s mom Sukuyo ever since I first saw her in Kill la Kill ages ago. For that reason I’ve been planning to do this MomSwap since day one, though there’s a lot of pairings I’ve had planned since day one (including several I’ve yet to get to). Since Mako’s been making a fair number of appearances in my work lately, though, I thought now would be as good a time as any to get her MomSwap entry out as well. Hopefully we’ll get to see both of these two again before too long.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. is a pretty fun gag anime that I watched the first couple seasons of a year or so ago. At the time there were a number of characters I was interested in possibly drawing, both male and female, but I think I just had too much on my plate at the time or something ’cause it never happened. Recently I began rewatching the show in order to share it with my sister, and I got the urge to draw from it again. When Mrs. Kaido, the mother of supporting character Shun, first showed up, my sister gushed on and on about how pretty she was. We haven’t yet gotten to the first episode with Shun’s sister, Sora, but I remembered her from my first viewing and decided I’d rearrange my MomSwap plans to put these two up front. I’m glad to finally have a Saiki K. pic under my belt, though hopefully it won’t be the last.
Ever since I first started the MomSwap series, I always wanted to eventually do some sort of actual swapping between the accounts we see. I wasn’t sure exactly how I wanted to do it; for a while I wanted to try doing a full comic focusing on a swap, or maybe a one-to-two page affair. I never felt like those were viable options, though, especially with how many other comics I’ve loaded myself down with, but recently I decided to take a swing at this approach. I picked the Parrs and the Prouds partly because they’re two of my favorites I’ve done for this series, and partly because I liked the punny title that came to mind. I don’t know if or when I’ll do another swap, as I’m far from done making profile pages for this fictional mom swapping app, but I might do another down the line. Are there any mother/daughter pairings I’ve done for MomSwap y’all would like to see make a trade eventually?
So I watched Netflix’s Glitch Techs the day it came out, and I knew right away that I would want to draw Miko here with her mom for this series. This wasn’t what I had planned for the next MomSwap entry to be, but I wanted to get them in while I was still riding high on the show. It’s been a good while since I made that decision, now, but I am glad I finally got them done. Miko’s a fun character to have available for the Near Hentai Studio, too, I hope she’ll get to make some more appearances down the road.
So, like I did with Daphne before, I’m using the “A Pup Named Scooby-Doo” version of Velma and her mom for the MomSwap series. Now, Velma’s mom in “Mystery Incorporated” is named Angie, but that version of the franchise is clearly in a completely different universe than any other version. That’s why I used the name Elizabeth for Daphne’s mom, rather than Nan, and why I’m just going with Mrs. Dinkley for Velma’s mom. However, like with Daphne, I do think there’s a good chance I’ll draw the “Mystery Incorporated” equivalent of this pairing somewhere down the line, since I do like the idea of Velma and Angie getting it on.
I’ve been wanting to do Reggie and her mom Judy in MomSwap for a minute, but I had this weird hang-up where I didn’t want to release any Reggie pics until after I finished my “Butt Witch Victory” comic montage. Now that that’s done, though, I have a fair number of pics featuring Reggie I’d like to do in the future. Most of them will probably be with the Butt Witch, but other like this one won’t. This may well be the only time I draw Judy, though, which is why I was comfortable letting her be the main focus of this pic.