Tag Archives: NHS Fusions

Leave It All On the Court, Page Four

And here’s page four, with Yoinks returning the favor to Maki before they move back to the fucking.

Also, for anyone interested, here is the Q&A video I did for Subscribers last month:

Leave It All On the Court, Page One

So this is an idea I had a while ago, but never did anything with. I couldn’t tell you where it started, but the image of Maki and Yoinks playing some one-on-one just felt kinda right to me. I didn’t have anywhere to use the concept, really, but after doing Closing Time I decided to try and make this work following the approach I did for that comic. This page is a little more complex than any I did for Closing Time, and it won’t be the way the rest of the comic looks, but I wanted to get some stuff out of the way so the rest of the pages can be focused on the action.