Here’s the seventh page of this comic! Where’ back over to the hoop, and we’ll be staying here for a bit.
Since it had been a minute since the last new Fusion, I decided to run a poll for one again. This time the poll was made of random characters from the Studio, using the same randomizer I use to select NHML winners. The result was a somewhat eclectic poll, but probably the two most similar characters in the poll won out.
So this is an idea I had a while ago, but never did anything with. I couldn’t tell you where it started, but the image of Maki and Yoinks playing some one-on-one just felt kinda right to me. I didn’t have anywhere to use the concept, really, but after doing Closing Time I decided to try and make this work following the approach I did for that comic. This page is a little more complex than any I did for Closing Time, and it won’t be the way the rest of the comic looks, but I wanted to get some stuff out of the way so the rest of the pages can be focused on the action.