Tag Archives: Pearl

Catra Character Ask 1

Since I tag Fusions a crossovers, Catra does technically at least appear under the crossover tag in my work, but I don’t really think that counts as a proper crossover. Not doing one with her wasn’t intentional or anything, but I think her antisocial tendencies make for a fine explanation as to why she’s only worked with people she knew well in her old life. For this pic, I went with Pearl mostly just because I like drawing Pearl but rarely do, and she’s a character I kinda enjoy pairing with anyone. Plus, cats love licking buttholes, so I thought Catra might get a kick out of Pearl’s blue little hole.

Studio Tour 9 – Pearl/Butt Witch

I don’t remember what first got me thinking about these two as a pairing, but I do recall being immediately interested in them. At first I started writing one of my AI-assisted fanfics pairing them up (those fics I’ve done a couple of where I write prompts and let an AI tell the story), and maybe someday that fic will go up on my site. However, I found myself more and more wanting to draw them, so I did this Studio Tour pic to bring the pairing to life. I might do more with them in the future, I’m not sure, and I do have another character I’m tempted to put in a role similar to Pearl later, too… But for now this is what we have, I hope y’all like it. 🙂

Pearl’s POV

So I found a very talented voice actress uploading scenes to PornHub by the name of Lalalexxi. She does some good voice impressions, and one scene she recorded featuring Garnet and Pearl particularly got my attention. It’s titled “Double Trouble” (https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e643c4c86897) and features a two-dicked Garnet fucking Pearl. There’s cute little edits of the show’s artwork that accompanies her voice acting, and one such shot was very similar to this pic. I wanted to take a stab at drawing a pic of the concept, rather than a screenshot edit with a censor bar to imply a cock, and this is what we got. I also decided to strip down Garnet since the “action” portion of this pic is so small. I had fun with this one, though, and I hope y’all like it.

Pearl’s Alone Time

So the other day I found myself really wanting to draw Pearl again. I did a couple sketches at the time, and liked this one enough to try and flesh it out. Since I was really feeling this one for whatever reason, I decided to use it as a sort of cool-down between some of the obligatory work I’m in the middle of before getting back to the commissions and such. I dunno if other people will enjoy this pic, but I had fun making it and I’m feeling a bit better about adapting the Steven Universe style.

Pearl Display

Some of you may remember way back in June of last year my drawing of Steven Universe’s Garnet that used heavy referencing to create a slightly more photo-realistic version of the character for a sexy montage. At the time I said I wanted to do similar pics for Pearl and Amethyst, which I’m still working on (just slowly, and in the background). I have images drawn up for both pics, and this one here is one that I couldn’t quite get to fit into the collage. I liked it, though, so here it is.

This is how Pearl will look in my final collage picture, a little thicker than her show counterpart and with an attempt to show a realistic interpretation of her face. I’m pretty happy with the changes, though I do think I’d like to take a stab at drawing a more cartoony, on-model version of her somewhere down the line.

Garnet & Pearl – Sex on the Beach

I’ve been watching a lot of Steven Universe lately, and did this quick little picture as a result. I really want to do a lot more SU stuff in the future, if I can find the time. I still have larger montage pics in the works for Pearl and Amethyst, but I also want to do a lot more with Garnet, as well as Lapis Lazuli, Stevonnie, Opal, and maybe Connie as well. We’ll see, I always have way more ideas for pics than I’ll ever have the time to actually draw. :/