Tag Archives: Silas Holloway

Ember Holloway’s First Dare

So I know that this post isn’t going to go public until, like, January probably, but for my Subscribers this is the post that went up on Halloween. Last year a similar thing happened, with Silas doing what he called a “Halloween Dare” that didn’t go public until February. I feel like I’ve been doing a lot with Ember and Silas lately, but maybe that’s just because I don’t usually focus on my OCs too much. Regardless, I hope some folks will enjoy seeing the pumpkin-heads here again for this Dare that takes them a bit outside their comfort zones.

Kitarō Character Ask 2

It’s been a little while since I’ve done anything with GeGeGe no Kitarō, and I thought there was a little potential here. Even though he’s not overtly inhuman, I do think Kitarō would feel more comfortable living where the Halloween and similar characters live in the Studio. I don’t remember if I’ve talked about the haunted castle publicly before, but Kitarō and anyone else who’d feel more comfortable there have their own spooky home in the Studio. I wanted to show Kitarō getting along with someone else who lives there, and decided to go with Silas since there’s been some demand.

Studio Halloween Party Highlights 2024

For the past few years I’ve found it increasingly harder to come up with ideas for new Spookyverse characters for the annual Halloween pic. While I’m sure it’d be possible to squeeze out a few more, and I might still add new characters to the roster in the future, I decided to change course this year and instead showcase a Halloween party similar to what I’ve been doing for Christmas the past couple years.
Like with the Christmas party, I wanted to give the random raffle character from the Halloween costume pic the spotlight center panel, so we see Arlene getting with some big studs like she wanted (Silas, Ginyu, Jeice and Salza). Her sister also gets to have some fun, plus some Velma-on-Saiyaman action and a few other fun appearances. I tried to fit in a few Halloween-appropriate characters, while also giving a few characters some costumes. Some folks here don’t have costumes on, either ’cause they didn’t bother dressing up for the party or because they already lost the whole costume. Everyone seems to be having fun, though, and I hope you all enjoy the page.

Silas Holloway’s First Dare

So, I was hesitant to do this Dare for two reasons. One is that I just drew Silas a few days ago for an Ask. Another is that I don’t typically like doing holiday-based Asks or Dares ’cause, while this post is going out to my Subscribers on Halloween, it’ll be February by the time it goes public. Regardless, I did go ahead and decide to do this one, and I hope those of you seeing this post in February can forgive the out-of-season spookiness.

Silas Holloway Character Ask 1

So this Ask is kind of a strange one, isn’t it? It’s not really a proper question Silas can answer, but at the same time I thought it’d be funny to see his response. I’ve only seen a couple clips from the videos being referred to here, so I don’t know too much about them, but I think someone with a pumpkin head might see some of them as pretty graphic and disturbing. The idea of this massive Halloween monster being creeped out by random tame gay fetish porn is really funny to me, so I decided to go ahead and document it. Also, this allows Silas to give a better view of himself than he might’ve had in his debut pic, so now both he and Ember have gotten simple little follow-ups from that pic.

Near Halloween 2023

Like every year, I wanted to add a new monster type to my Spookyverse cast of original characters. I’m running a bit low on ideas for characters, but one monster I’ve never done is a pumpkin/Jack-O-Lantern type creature. There’s a few different ways to do this type of monster, but I went with a design I thought could be fun and sexy. Hopefully everyone agrees. So, let me introduce Ember and Silas Holloway!

Also, in the spirit of things, I posted a spooky new AI-assisted fanfic over in the literature section: https://nearhentai.com/literature/in-the-clutches-of-the-ghost-witch/