Tag Archives: Son Gohan

Special Training, Page 3

While I’m working on commissions I found a little bit of time to crank out the next page of Special Training. I know there are people looking forward to each new page, and I hate the idea of keeping them waiting any longer than I have to.

Goku was surprised to hear his son say he’d been intimate with Piccolo in the past. So, while he lubes him up, he has Gohan tell him about his first time. Gohan relates the story of how he not only lost his virginity, but how he picked up his submissive streak.

I don’t think I’ll be using Piccolo too much in the future. There’s just so many lines on the guy! Plus, it’s always frustrating to use a character where people can’t agree on what their genitalia should look like. I went with a standard green cock here, but it’s also not his natural genitalia. As Gohan alludes in the narration, Piccolo used an ancient Namekian technique (it’s not clear whether he already knew it, or if it was something he picked up from Nail) to grow a cock, similar to the other body distortion techniques he’s shown. Or the clothes beam, I guess. I imagine Piccolo’s groin normally would look more like the first two stages of Cell, with one of those pink pads over it.

Special Training, Page 2

It’s been a long wait, longer than I’d expected, but now that the bulk of my commission work is behind me I took some time to wrap up the second page of Special Training. Here we see Goku’s plan go better than expected, and we learn Gohan may have a bit more experience than his daddy thought.

This page was a bit of a learning experience. I plotted out too many panels, which is part of why it took so long. It actually originally had more, but I combined a couple to make the page less crowded. I just love drawing Gohan sucking his dad’s cock so much, and I went overboard because of it. I’ll have to be careful about that in the future, so I can have less crowded pages and larger panels.

There are going to be some other comics cropping up around here soon in addition to this one and Space Emperor Slut. While I never plan to have more than two comics like this running at a time, commissions are a different matter, and I have three commissioned comics in the works right now. I think you guys will like them, though, so look for those soon.

Special Training, Page 1

I hope fans of “Space Emperor Slut” can forgive me for this, but as I’ve been alluding to in my commentaries I have been working on a second DBZ comic, and here it is. “Special Training” came about after seeing several people (mostly on Paheal) responding to my picture “Before the Games”, asking to see Goku and Gohan interacting sans Chi-Chi. Well, I already had the idea in my head of the two of them getting frisky inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, so I wrote up this comic. My plan is to alternate between this comic and “Space Emperor Slut”, meaning the next DBZ comic page I post will be for that one. I know this makes my already unbearable slow update schedule even worse for people who only like one comic, but on the plus side it makes it that much less likely that I’ll get bored and stop doing one of them.

Yaoi Crossover Gangbang

Here’s another commission I wrapped up. This one features five guys who you might not expect to see together, but the commissioner’s interest in them brought them together like this. From left-to-right we have Sorey (Tales of Zestiria), Trunks (Dragonball Z), Serge (Chrono Cross), Gohan (Dragonball Z), and Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces).

I don’t have a lot of comments on this one. I like how it turned out, and I know there’s a section of my followers who will enjoy this all-male content that I haven’t done too much of. This particular client is planning to come back for more, so if you like this pic there should be similar ones in the future, too. Hope you enjoy!

Before the Games

So here’s a pic I just wrapped up. This one is actually based on a fanfic I wrote about eight or nine years ago (unreleased, I never shared any of my fics). It’s set just before the Cell Games when Goku and Gohan were in constant Super Saiyan mode. I always thought Gohan’s Super Saiyan look was really cute (Super Saiyan 2 as well, but that’s a pic for another day). I think this is also the first time I’ve drawn young Chi-Chi, so there’s that too for you guys.

Son Bonding 1

Let’s wrap the month of March up with this Dragonball Z pic. This isn’t part of a series, but if it was it’d be the second following October’s Ash or Ashley? pic. I drew this one a few months ago, working on it a little here and there between commissions and other bigger projects. I’m pretty happy with the final result, I don’t get to do much DBZ stuff these days outside of the occasional Pandoras Box color job.

Ogata Satomi – Aim at Planet Namek!

This was my first coloring project, which is why it’s one of the few times you’ll see me post a colorization here that I didn’t collaborate with the original artist on. Such a venture would have been impossible in this case, anyway.

Aim at Planet Namek! is an old doujin, one of the first I ever read. Here I not only splashed color onto it, but also reworked the dialogue to make it easier to read.