Tag Archives: Spookyverse

Diego Lycaon Character Ask 1

So this Ask may not have a super great answer, the question’s a little on the vague/open-ended side and I didn’t have much that I felt would make sense to do as a response, but really I picked this one just to get another pic of Diego out there. I know a few people really liked seeing him in his debut pic on Halloween, so this is mostly for those people. Maybe we’ll see him again before next year’s Halloween, maybe not, but I hope you all like the pic. 🙂

Near Halloween 2019

Cats and dogs fucking together, mass hysteria!
If you haven’t been following for a full year you may not know this, but every year around Halloween I like to do a special pic featuring some characters from a roster of OC’s. Every year I add a new character to the lineup. I had been placing them under the category “Lillian’s Spooky Gals”, named after Lillian L’Orange, who was the first character I made for Halloween (and also one who predates the Near Hentai brand). Lillian’s also in this pic, down there on all fours. The mummy catgirl is Kamas Hat-hor-het-aei, who was introduced in 2016’s pic. I’ve changed the branding for these characters to “Spookyverse”, which also isn’t super creative, but at least it’s more inclusive now that we have our first male character added to the roster. Lying on his back here is Diego Lycaon, a young werewolf puppy who is this year’s newest addition. As much as I’ve enjoyed doing new yuri pics every year, I figured I might as well add a new shota-type to play with all the monster gals.

Adeline’s Coven Mate

So I want to get in the habit of doing extra “bonus” Halloween pics besides the one I post on Halloween Day itself. Last year I did a fun pic of Kamas with an anon shota that had a little story that went with it, and I thought about doing a narrative again, but I decided it wasn’t necessary for this idea.
Adeline Fortuna is the green-skinned lady here, and was the first new character in what later became a tradition. I like adding a new character representing a new monster type each year, but the new witch girl here doesn’t count for that (since we already had a witch). Her name is Cybele Sartre and she’s a friend/coven mate of Adeline’s. There’s probably other sexy witches in their coven I can introduce later, but for now just these two is good enough. Cybele’s got a grey and pink color scheme (I know her skin looks more colorful in this lighting, but it’s a greyish pinkish tone), and although she’s in the throes of passion right now, I like to picture her personality as being a bit more dry and morose (contrasting Adeline’s peppy “good witch” personality). If y’all like her maybe she or some other witches can show up later.

Kamas Hat-hor-het-aei Character Ask 3

Normally I feel kinda weird pairing my characters up with characters I’ve lifted from other series. I don’t know why, but it feels kinda, like… arrogant? I dunno. Anyway, for this one I immediately thought it’d be fun to work this answer into Zangya’s storyline where she lost the rimjob competition with Gohan and has been practicing her technique. I have a few other reasons for liking Kamas and Zangya together I won’t get into here, but tying this answer together with that narrative was my main motivation for answering this one.

Kamas Hat-hor-het-aei Character Ask 2

Kamas has become the most popular of my Halloween OCs, it would seem. For some reason I’m super hesitant about drawing my characters with the characters I draw from established franchises… I’ve done it once or twice when it came up on, like, the monthly One-Shot or something, but I’m still hesitant about doing it in general. That’s why we’ve just got Kamas talking here, but I did try and have some fun with the pose. It ended up more “safe for work” than I’d intended, but I wanted her crawling kinda cat-like and predatory. Even if I ended up inadvertently covering up the “good bits”, I still like the look of her here.

Kamas Hat-hor-het-aei Character Ask 1

So this Ask is actually more just world building than anything, I guess. I don’t get many opportunities to do writing for Kamas or the other Halloween characters, and this question seemed like a good chance to talk about them a little. It’s also nice that Kamas seems to have gotten more popular since I drew her for Halloween this year. She’s been discussed more on my Discord and cropped up in my suggestions, and I’m psyched that people are interested in her. Hopefully even if you aren’t interested in all the text (sorry about that, I know these answers sometimes get a bit verbose), you can at least enjoy the cat tits on display. ^_^

Near Halloween 2018

Every year I do a special Halloween OC pic, adding a new character to my roster each time. Originally I tried to fit in all the girls for these pics, but it just wasn’t feasible as more and more monster girls were added. So instead this year’s debuting girl, zombie girl Noemi Steinberg. A friend gave me the idea of a stitched-together girl with different patchwork skin colors. I’m pretty happy with her, though I’d intended to give her different eyes that aren’t clearly visible here. I’m including a couple variations here. On top of the textless version, there’s also a “clean light” version without the darkness filter on top.

Since I didn’t get to show a clear version of my idea for how Noemi’s eyes should look, and I have no idea how long it’ll be before I draw her again, I’m including a little close-up of her default face.

Caught in Kamas’ Tomb

In addition to my usual Halloween pic, this year I wanted to do a little spotlight for one of the characters from my stable of spooky OCs. Kamas Hat-hor-het-aei is a catgirl mummy I introduced a few years ago, and I thought it’d be fun to pair her with an anonymous shota who snuck into her tomb one night. Since I felt the pic needed a bit of backstory to make since, I included one.

Sophia Huesos, Día de los Muertos

For my Halloween pic this year, I’m introducing two new characters in the ghost girls you all saw before. I didn’t want to completely leave out all of my other spooky OC ladies, though, so I’m doing this pic of Sophia Huesos that’ll post publicly on November 2nd for Día de los Muertos (since that’s the source of her inspiration, anyway).  This is the first time I’ve ever drawn Sophia’s breasts, since they were covered up in her previous two appearances, and I want to thank Anya Lykke for the idea to give her spider web designs around her nipples.

Near Halloween 2017

So for the past three years I’ve done these little Halloween pics with original characters. The original formula was to start with two characters (Lillian L’Orange and Adeline Fortuna), then add a new character each year. So I did a pic with those two, then the next year I did a pic of the two of them with Sophia Huesos, and then last year all three of them were in a foursome with  Kamas Hat-hor-het-aei. That got to be too much work, however, so this year I decided to do something different. I will still draw the other girls sometimes, hopefully, but for now I decided to introduce two cute new ghost girls instead.

The girl on the left with the black hair is named Hamano Michiyo. Normally her hair would cover her eyes, but I wanted to show her eye here in this pic. The girl on the right with the blue ponytail is named  Yamashita Yumi. She was originally a character in my fantasy comic Eromugen, but I never got to the chapters she was going to be in, so I’m re-purposing her here as one of Lilian’s spooky gals.

The first picture is the “official” version, but I’ve also done three variants this year. One is just this image without the orange text, one is the image without the girls being transparent, and one is the same thing but also without the cum everywhere. I wanna thank by friend Anya Lykke for the idea of a ghost girl bukkake where she’s more visible under the cum. I took that idea in my own direction, but I wouldn’t have thought of this concept on my own.