Hagakure’s a character a lot of people were curious about when I started this series. I always intended to include her, but I had a bunch of other characters I wanted to get through first (though there’s plenty more on the way). For her entry, I decided to include some clothing to help illustrate the scene. The panties pulled to the side were always a given, but I went back and forth on the socks. In the end, I decided to have her socked up in the before image, and with one removed in the after, to try and get a little bit of the benefits I saw in both approaches. So here’s the final result, I hope you guys like it.
This Mini Commission is sort of a sequel to this subscriber’s previous one, which focused on Gohan fucking Ashido. This time, Ashido’s the focus, and they wanted it to be like a live stream deal. Everything about the interface and comments is my own handling of the premise, though I admit I don’t have much experience with these live apps and services.
So, if we’re going just by her appearances in Near Hentai releases, Mina has had sexual encounters with most of the girls in her class (and one teacher!). Some, like Tsuyu and Ochaco, haven’t been pure yuri encounters, but she’s still checked off most of the girls in the class. When I read this question, I immediately thought it’d be fun to use Hagakure again. I haven’t used her since the pic with Jiro, and I thought a simple picture that at first looks like Mina alone, until you notice the gloves on her ass, would be cute and fun. So here it is!