Month: January 2018

Noel Cypress Tribute

Recently I got the itch to put one of my favorite porn stars (and good friend) Noel Cypress to music. I’d been toying with this idea of doing a live action PMV (Porn Music Video) for some time, and even made a couple I decided not to share. However, since I actually know the subject of this one, I handed it over to her, and Noel decided to release it publicly as a way to promote her impressive library of clips available for sale (available here). I’m glad this passion project of mine was able to see some use, and I hope you guys will enjoy it. There’s something about setting porn to music that really fascinates and excites me.

I don’t much think I’ll be making too many of these PMVs, for reasons that are a bit complicated. However, I do plan to do at least one more featuring my other close porn friend Anya Lykke, so maybe that will crop up around here sometime in the next couple months.

Siat Wildstar Character Ask 1

This Ask came as a bit of a surprise! I knew Anya had been thinking about Siat lately, but I still hadn’t ever actually expected her to get asked anything. For those who don’t know who she is, Siat Wildstar was the protagonist of a comic I tried doing from 2011-2014. It had a real good run and I enjoyed doing it, but other pressures kind’ve got in the way and I haven’t released a new page in forever. It was fun to draw Siat again, though, for the first time in years.

I like these meta questions/answers, too. I’ve always enjoyed the idea of Near Hentai operating like a regular porn studio, with the characters I draw all being actors who interact backstage like normal people would, and these sorts of Asks provide me with a good chance to explore how that works and flesh the concept out a little bit.

Huey and Riley Character Ask 1

Here is an Ask directed towards both Huey and Riley. The interesting thing about the Freeman brothers’ relationship in my work is that Huey is very much aware and okay with the homosexuality of their interactions, while Riley is very much in denial about it. In this regard I feel they would have separate individual answers to a question like this, but together Huey just states the plain facts while Riley is incredulous to his bluntness.

ben_10mil – Surprise! 07

Here’s the seventh page of ben_10mil’s comic “Surprise!” translated, inked and colored by yours truly. In the original version this page and page six are presented side-by-side, but I’ve been splitting those double-pages up so that I can provide slightly faster updates (otherwise page five would’ve been the last page I updated here, and you’d only just now be getting page six). As always, the original draft is included below for everyone to enjoy.

Helen Anal

So I woke up one morning with an intense urge to do something… simple, I guess? I’d been stressing a lot lately over the size of some of the projects I have yet to complete, and while the smart thing might would be to continue grinding away at everything, I felt I needed a bit of a break for the sake of my psyche. I had a sketch started from about a month ago that I decided to pick up and finish because I knew it would be easy and I could do it fast enough to still have time left to work on those other projects later. I’m pretty happy with the final pic, even if it’s not the most technically impressive piece I’ve ever put out.

Clementine Character Ask 1

Clementine’s Character Ask is one I kinda had fun answering. I decided to put her in a “Near Hentai” T-shirt based off the one-shot script submitted by the same person, since it seemed kinda like something she might wear for answering this meta question. How she replies here reflects the ways I’d be most likely to use her in non-commissioned work in the future. If I ever get the chance I’d really like to do a mini-comic of her and Ellie, like I mentioned last time I drew her.

NHML – Megumi Oumi

Alright, so here’s January’s NHML (Near Hentai Monthly Lady), Megumi Oumi from Zatch Bell. Megumi is a pop idol in the Zatch Bell universe, and Tia (pictured here eating her out) is her mamodo child. Without getting into the plot too much, mamodo children are kinda like Pokémon or something, in that they’re the battle partners of the human characters. A better comparison, if more obscure, would be the “Fate” series, like Fate/Stay Night. Anyway, it seemed like the natural thing to do to pair them together, since I’d already considered doing a picture of them together long before Megumi was ever nominated for the NHML. I hope you guys like it.

Now then, let’s open up nominations for next month’s featured lady, shall we? For those who are new, the rules for the NHML are pretty simple. Anyone can nominate a female character (but only one), provided that she is someone whom I have not drawn within the past calendar year. Now, this time limit is in place simply because of how drastic the quality of my work can be from one year to the next, but in reality I would much prefer you nominate someone whom I’ve never drawn. You may post your nomination either in the comments of this post, or in the cBox on the side of this site or, if you really need privacy, you may email me at I will compile a list of all the nominations over on the sidebar, and then on the first of February I’ll use a randomizer to select one of the names at random (naturally). Then, sometime during the month, I will release a picture of her. Neat, right?

Gotham Academy New Year

This is a commission purchased off my Epic Level tier (with a little extra to compensate for the characters and variants). The premise here is that three of DC’s top villainesses (Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Enchantress) are sort of “mentoring” three of Gotham Academy’s leads (Maps, Olive, and Pomeline) and celebrating New Year’s with them in an unconventional manner. Due to the nature of this commission, I wasn’t able to even start it until after the holiday itself had passed in the real world. Still, it’s not entirely untimely, and honestly I don’t suspect that’ll much get in the way of anyone enjoying these pics.