Near’s Drag Race – Son Goten

I know some folks have been a bit anxious about it, but here’s Goten’s entry in the Trap Sluts series, finally. Sorry these take so long, but well… they just do. I went back and forth on several ideas for Goten’s outfit here. I didn’t want to do another Chinese dress, since I’d done that for Gohan already, but Goten doesn’t have much in the way of iconic outfits (his outfit in Super lends itself to being redesigned as a Chinese dress, but other than that he’s mostly just got his gi). Another problem I had was trying to figure out what to do with his hair, but when I decided a hairband would be a nice way to doll that up the rest of the outfit kinda fell into place. Of course it then immediately fell out of place as it was pulled off him and scattered on the floor, but that’s another story.
I’m going to keep up the pattern of Dragon Ball/non-Dragon Ball, so expect to see another franchise represented in the next entry. Don’t know for certain who I want to use yet, but I’ve got a few ideas.


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