A simple one here, but I figured it’d be fun to see Launch catch up with the boys.
I feel like this is a topic I’ve covered before, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to revisit it. Canonically, the Studio isn’t a place characters come and go from, but a thriving community where they all live and socialize. Of course, the real reason I chose this Ask to answer is that I haven’t drawn Jinx since a big group Teen Titans pic I did early in my career, and I wanted to revisit her.
Despite hooking up, Zarbon hasn’t really checked in on how Vegeta’s life has actually gone since they last met. I had this idea for Zarbon’s reaction to this question that I thought would be kinda fun, and I’ve been meaning to do something with him and Bulma for a while since I know she’d be eager. This exchange is the result.
There’s no shortage of alcohol-loving women in anime. Akemi, in her series, never passes up an opportunity to drink, and I think she’d have plenty of fun partying with Himeno. I decided to show them having some fun before getting drinks, though, to keep the pic from getting too… messy.
This pic kinda ties in to the Choso and Envy Ask I did a while ago, in that it spawns from the same event. I didn’t get to play much into how I think Ed and Yuji’s dynamic would work here, but I think it’s a fun ice breaker pic if nothing else.
This Subscriber has been looking for something with Tanjiro and Rimuru for a while, I think, but I haven’t really had a good throughline to do anything with them together. The Studio’s a big community, though, and I figured there’s good odds they’re at least aware of each other.
Of these two choices, I feel like Zarbon is just more Gohan’s type. I kinda wanted to try something with them for his answer here, and somehow he’s managing to answer in spite of having his mouth full. What a talent.
I couldn’t really see Megumi being particularly verbose in answering a question like this, but hopefully y’all will forgive him.
It’s been a little while since I’ve done anything with GeGeGe no Kitarō, and I thought there was a little potential here. Even though he’s not overtly inhuman, I do think Kitarō would feel more comfortable living where the Halloween and similar characters live in the Studio. I don’t remember if I’ve talked about the haunted castle publicly before, but Kitarō and anyone else who’d feel more comfortable there have their own spooky home in the Studio. I wanted to show Kitarō getting along with someone else who lives there, and decided to go with Silas since there’s been some demand.