Sailor Moon

Sailor Venus Character Ask 1

Minako Aino/Sailor Venus hasn’t appeared since the October 2021 One-Shot, the big Sailor Moon/Dragon Ball Z crossover. While this Ask by itself is kinda a basic one, I did think doing something new with her might be fun. I also thought it might add a bit to it if she brought back her partner from that One-Shot, Krillin, but enlisting the help of such a big cock for an anal demonstration comes with its own problems.

Sailor Mars Character Ask 1

When reading this question, I had the thought that Mars might prefer to compete unilaterally with the premise. Rather than get into a numbers game, I figured Rei would more likely just claim she has better taste than Usagi. For her partner, I tried to go with someone who both pairs well with Sailor Mars and also wouldn’t raise too many complaints about her “quality”.

Sailor Moon Character Ask 4

Another Ask with an answer I think people could easily predict. The only thing I had to consider here was who to pair Usagi with. I kinda wanted to keep up the theme of pairing her with Dragon Ball characters, but I didn’t want to go with any of the obvious big names. Maron’s only appeared a few times, and is a cute ditzy character I could see Usagi potentially vibing with.

Sailor Mercury Character Ask 1

It’s been a while since I watched Sailor Moon, but I remember Ami as being the the chillest of the main Sailor Scouts. She has some crushes, but I see her as the type who could fall for anyone if they treat her right. So, to illustrate that, I paired her with someone based off aesthetics rather than trying to find her taste, and I just thought her and Bra would look good together.

October ’21 One-Shot

Here is the One-Shot comic I did for Subscribers in October 2021, based on a script semi-randomly selected from a pool submitted by my Subscribers on SubscribeStar. When I announced the winner, there was some disappointment expressed that it wasn’t one of the Halloween-themed scripts submitted last month. To try and make everyone happy, I decided to set it in a slightly darker setting, based off some of the villainous locations in Sailor Moon. Beyond that, it’s a pretty straightforward Dragon Moon X type situation here!

Sailor Moon Character Ask 2

So the subscriber who submitted this question has also been submitting one for Usagi asking her to follow up on her previous Ask with Goku. I haven’t been able to work out a good way to answer that (I feel like just having them fucking is kinda too basic), but I decided I could sort of answer that and this at the same time. I don’t know if it’s just me, but when I hear “anal play” I think more of fingering or toys in the butt, and if the goal of this question was to see that I do apologize. Hopefully her using Goku’s dick to open up her asshole isn’t too far off the mark.

Sailor Moon Character Ask 1

I’m assuming most people are familiar with Sailor Moon and Goku as a pairing, whether it be through old works like Dragon Moon X or other similar stuff. The versions of characters I’m working with exist in their own continuity, though, so there’s no previous relationship between these two in the Studio or anything. However, it does seem like Serena/Usagi’s thinking about it, though. I guess we can consider this a tease, then, and maybe there’ll be an occasion to do something more with this pairing in the future.