I don’t have a lot of time right now to work on my art, as I’m going to be pretty busy for probably a couple months re-uploading the hundreds of pictures I’ve done over the years. Luckily, I have several things in-progress I can work on in the meantime. Here’s a Character Ask for Goten I had started before things went to shit.
Here’s Mace’s first solo Character Ask, which is based off his recent Applebridge Snapshots episode. While I don’t really have a problem with Mace or Jackie being on the receiving end from time to time, they were both designed for straight shota action. Because of that fact, Mace’s preference leans a certain way.
So here we have the first new post on the new blog. Google decided to remove my blog and lock my Google account, effectively removing a huge chunk of my life in the matter of a few seconds. I’ve kept all of my art over the years and plan to, over time, re-upload it to this new site. However, access to my YouTube and Drive accounts has also been lost, and with it my personal writings, including novels and short stories I had worked on in college, as well as my AMV channel that I take so much pride in. I’m very devastated by this, but the kind words and support from my followers and friends has helped me pull myself together and push forward. I am appealing the closing of my account, though I have no idea how that will go. That being said, I hope we can make this new site even bigger and better than the old Bloggspot one was. As for today’s post:
Here’s Terry’s first Character Ask! I’ve hinted at the history of Terry and Mickie, but I took the opportunity to use this Ask to introduce Terry’s mother Rosalynne (although she looks different these days than she did when this photo was taken, just like Mickie does).
Here’s another Digimon Character Ask, this one directed at T.K. I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to answer this one, since the established versions of Matt and T.K. that I’ve drawn before seem to contradict something this question takes for granted. I’ve only ever drawn them paired together, so I felt like the answer had to address this misunderstanding.
Here’s the first of the Character Asks for October. I did this one first because I knew how I wanted to answer it, and it’d be a simpler one to get out. Ash’s answer here also reflects something I’d like to draw sooner or later, so I suppose you could consider this a teaser should I ever get the chance to.