Ludibrio Chronicles

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 3 – Virentibrio Lamina 05

If you would like to see the original clip starring Maria Ono this comic is traced from, you can find it here:

So here’s another page of the third Ludibrio Chronicle! Now that the Dominurci have Umbra right where they want him, they’re going to do their best to break him like they have so many other Ludibrio before him. Umbra’s determined to not give in, though, but even with his lamina warrior training, it won’t be easy.

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 3 – Virentibrio Lamina 04

If you would like to see the original clip this comic is traced from, you can find it here:

So to close out September’s posts, here’s the latest page of my project, the Ludibrio Chronicles. For those who don’t know, this started out as an experiment with tracing live action porn and changing the female performers into male elf-beings called Ludibrio. Here in this chapter, our hero Umbra is taken by his captors outside where they have a mat to fuck him on. I know this chapter’s had more build-up than the previous ones, but hopefully the payoff is worth it now that we’re getting to some fuckin’.

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 3 – Virentibrio Lamina 03

If you would like to see the original clip this comic is traced from, you can find it here:

Here’s the newest page from my little project the Ludibrio Chronicles. In this page, our captured hero is subjected to the sadistic whims of his hated enemies, the Dominurci. This chapter has a lot more build-up than the previous ones, and I hope that’s not too frustrating for those of you following this comic. Even though this page doesn’t have anything too erotic on it, I was pretty happy with the panel structuring on this one. It almost feels like a right proper comic, doesn’t it?

Anyway, since it’s Saturday I have a new episode of “Near Talk” for you guys. This week I continue my self-indulgent spiel about Eromugen, picking up from last time to talk about what plans I had for future storylines. Enjoy. ^_^

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 3 – Virentibrio Lamina 02

If you would like to see the original clip this comic is traced from, you can find it here:

Here is the second page to Virentibrio Lamina, the third story in the Ludibrio Chronicles. In this page, our hero Umbra is ambushed by a surprising third Dominurci armed with a magic gun. I went back and forth on whether to even include something like a gun in the Ludibrio universe. For the story told with this source material it was kinda important if I wanted to show how Umbra was captured, and thankfully they used a prop gun in the film which has this old-timey look to it. I used unique colors and added beams of light shooting out of the decorations on the side to make it look a bit more mystical, with the explanation that it’s a weapon designed to shoot a magic bolt (which we can see sort of looks like a laser, but does not create a hole or any visible wounds). This story has a bit more build-up to it than the first two chapters, but I hope those of you following the Ludibrio updates don’t mind the suspense.

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 3 – Virentibrio Lamina 00-01

If you would like to see the original clip this comic is traced from, you can find it here:

So here’s the start of the third chapter of the Ludibrio Chronicles. This chapter introduces the concept of the ludibrio clans, which are basically different subraces or ethnicities of ludibrio. There are several different ones you’ll all hopefully get to meet, but this chapter focuses on a member of the Virentibrio clan. I’m really excited to introduce the golden-skinned Virentibrio to you all, as their stories are all taken from my JAV collection, so they feature a lot more story and costume elements than many of the others. Some of my favorite yet-to-be-revealed chapters for this project focus on the Virentibrio and their ongoing struggle with the Dominurci.

This chapter will be a good bit longer than the previous one, since I had more material to work with. If anyone viewing this is confused and doesn’t know what the Ludibrio Chronicles are or what I’m talking about, I explain the concept pretty extensively here:

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 2 – Pet Ludibrio 04

If you would like to purchase the full clip this comic is ripped from, go here.

This is the final page for chapter two of my silly little Ludibrio Chronicles project. I really enjoyed translating my friend Anya Lykke’s clip into a yaoi elf comic, and hopefully some day I’ll get to do something like this with one of her clips again. Chapter three is gonna be a lot longer than this chapter was, and the first page of it should be coming out before too long. I hope those of you who enjoy these Ludibrio comics liked this chapter and will tune in for the next one!

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 2 – Pet Ludibrio 03

If you would like to purchase the full clip this comic is ripped from, go here.

This is the penultimate page of this comic. Since the source clip I’m tracing for it is short, this chapter will be a lot shorter than chapter one was (or chapter three will be). Still I liked how Anya looked as a Ludibrio too much not to do this one. I hope you all appreciate Vulpella as much as I do. 🙂

Ludibrio Chronicles, Ch. 2 – Pet Ludibrio 00-01

If you would like to purchase the full clip this comic is ripped from, you can find it in Anya Lykke’s clip store here.

Let’s kick of March by launching the second chapter of the Ludibrio Chronicles, “Pet Ludibrio”. This chapter will be quite a bit shorter than the first one was, due to the source material being shorter. In this chapter we’ll look at one of the ways in which a particularly malicious individual might use a Ludibrio’s natural sexual and submissive nature to exploit them.

The model for Vulpella, our Ludibrio pet here, is my good friend Anya Lykke. I highly recommend trying to get the original clip from her if you can, she plays a fox girl kept in a similar situation and it’s some good stuff if that’s your sort of thing.