Jazmine DuBois Character Ask 1

While I try not to overdo it, I always enjoy pairing strange or non-human characters with humans, and this Jazmine Ask sounded fun to me for that reason. I have no idea if anyone else will enjoy it as much as I do, but we haven’t seen Jazmine in a while and I just got the itch to draw this when I read the question. Jazmine, like many little girls, is obsessed with ponies in The Boondocks. While the episode most highlighting this is about a “real” pony, she does have the vibe of a girl who’d also enjoy something like My Little Pony. I went with Fluttershy for her partner here purely because I think she’s the member of the Mane 6 Jazmine would like the best.

Fusion Bios – Chun-Chi

Here’s a Fusion Bio page for Chun-Chi. I’ve always had mixed feelings about Chun-Chi, since the two characters she’s mixed from are pretty similar already. That also translates into her fashion, but hey a fair number of people still seem to be fond of her regardless.

Also, for anyone interested, here is the Q&A video I did for Subscribers last month:

Junichirou Kubota Character Ask 1

Jun has a similar problem to Shang, in that he’s a bit too earnest and straightforward for the tone a lot of Asks tend to take. I did consider having him standing with Tomo in this answer, like in Shang’s with Mulan, but decided to instead let him stand on his own here. I kinda just rolled with how I felt he’d be processing the Studio transition, but mostly this pic was about getting to see more of him since he was obscured in his debut.

Jasmine x Lapis

Okay, so many, many years ago (back when I was still on Blogspot), I tried to do a big orgy pic that featured a bunch of the characters I’d drawn up to that point. It was mostly populated by characters I thought I’d be drawing a lot at the time, most of whom I haven’t actually drawn more than a handful of times looking back at it now. I put a lot of work into this pic back then, and it’s kinda hovered over my head for a long time. I’ve decided to go back to it, working on it piecemeal in smaller pics. If I get enough of it done this way, then maybe it won’t seem so daunting to go in and finish the full thing somewhere down the line.
This pairing of Lapis and Jasmine was done around the time I drew both of them for the first time, and was the most completed segment of the full image. So I went in and finished it. This drawing is extremely old, and I’d draw these two different if I did it today, I think, but hopefully people will still enjoy seeing them together even if the lineart’s not up to my current standards.

Katsuki Bakugou Character Ask 4

Bakugou’s appeared in a lot of work with Dragon Ball characters in my work, and has also been kinda close to the Briefs family specifically. He’s been presented as more or less in a relationship with Bra, and has been fucked by Vegeta. He’s also appeared in shoots with both Kid Trunks and Future Trunks, although he hasn’t directly worked with Trunks to my memory. So, him knowing Bulma is not surprising, but I thought they’d make a fine pairing some folks might like. I even had them mirror an earlier commission by this same Subscriber with Bakugou and Bra. I ran through a handful of longer responses he could have given here, but none of them really felt like his voice to me so I went the blunt route.

NHS Calendar #2 – March (Goten/Vegeta)

Here’s the March page for our second calendar. In the first one I had Trunks and Goten as a unit, but I decided to use a different version of Trunks and so decided to split them up during the pairing-up stage. Goten ended up with Trunks’s dad, Vegeta, and lucky for me I already had a picture of them in the works at the time. So, I set that drawing aside, and then added some fun St. Patrick’s Day stuff to make it a more suitable March page.