For the tenth magazine cover I thought I’d break the model and do a couples pairing. A number of Studio couples were nominated for this page, but I decided to go with Goku’s parents since I thought they struck a good balance of being a popular, loving couple who have a good presence in the Studio but still feel underrepresented.
With Titans Tower back on the shelf, we’re moving back to Space Emperor Slut on the comic rotation. With this page we’re finally getting to a turning point in the narrative I’ve been waiting on since the comic began so many years ago. We’re going to have probably 3-4 pages of this comic left, and then we should wrap it up for good. There’s not any huge difference between the versions of this page, but I wanted to keep the variations going even if we don’t get a good look at Frieza’s crotch here.
Here is the One-Shot comic for the last month of 2022, submitted by one of my SubscribeStar supporters. This particular Subscriber has been campaigning to get Fasha in the Studio for a while, and finally managed to get her in with this win. While I liked the Broly movie, I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t see any of Bardock’s crew in it. However, here we get to see the people closest to him from his two main appearances in the franchise, having some fun swinger action. Before Gine was introduced, Fasha was the default character fans would sometimes attribute as Goku and Raditz’s mother, but I’ve noticed since Gine’s debut we’ve seen her shifted more to being shipped with other members of the squad, usually Tora.
I’m happy some folks seemed to like the recent take on Cooler I released, and I wanted to try drawing him taking some dick. I don’t think we ever see Cooler and Bardock interact canonically, but I have to assume even if they never met during Bardock’s life that he’d at least know who Cooler is. Not too much else to say here, though, but I hope y’all enjoy.
I liked this dare just because I thought Bardock realizing what a slut for saiya-jin cock Studio Frieza is would be kinda funny. Plus, it’s nice for them to get acquainted now when I plan for them to work together again eventually. Not too much else to say here, since I think his success in this dare is relatively predictable, but I always enjoy working with Frieza and I hope y’all will enjoy seeing him again.
I decided to re-arrange the Post Schedule a bit so that this parental pic could come out on Mother’s Day (though in the process, I ended up with two bi Dragon Ball pics back-to-back, though I think that’s okay). At any rate, this commission sought to reunite Raditz with Bardock and Gine, officially bringing all three into the Studio (Raditz F was in already, but not the original article). Since the commissioner wanted adult Raditz I can only assume some time travel shenanigans are taking place here (or possibly this is in the afterlife, although I admit I didn’t draw it with that intent), but regardless I hope y’all enjoy seeing Goku’s forgotten family having some fun together.