Tag Archives: Character Asks

Daphne Blake Character Ask 1

So Daphne’s appeared in Velma’s Asks before, but this is her first time answering a question herself. I felt like this one was really just an excuse to draw Daphne and Velma together again, but… I’m okay with that. I’ve liked these two as a pairing ever since I was a little kid, and the only reason I don’t draw them more often is because Scooby-Doo isn’t a franchise in the forefront of my mind these days. Anyway, tried to do something a little different with them instead of more ass worship (though there’s still a good view, if you ask me).

If you wanna see Velma in a slightly different role, feel free to check out my latest fic here: https://nearhentai.com/literature/chi-chis-fan-appreciation-tour-chapter-one-meet-the-fans/

Marth Character Ask 2

These sorts of Asks can sometimes be a bit tricky. It’s easy enough to just pick a position (though sometimes I have trouble even answering that, since I don’t really know much about which positions feel good, just what looks good to a viewer), but I usually feel an obligation to include some dialogue that isn’t, well, boring. I wanted to answer this one though, because 1) I like Marth and haven’t drawn him much and 2) This person has asked this before and I felt bad not getting to it in previous months. I hit on the idea of Marth’s actual articulation of his answer being muffled ’cause he’s biting a sheet, and I think this works here since we can see the answer well enough without being able to understand him. I thought it was a fun way to handle the response, and I hope you all enjoy it. ^_^

Kamas Hat-hor-het-aei Character Ask 2

Kamas has become the most popular of my Halloween OCs, it would seem. For some reason I’m super hesitant about drawing my characters with the characters I draw from established franchises… I’ve done it once or twice when it came up on, like, the monthly One-Shot or something, but I’m still hesitant about doing it in general. That’s why we’ve just got Kamas talking here, but I did try and have some fun with the pose. It ended up more “safe for work” than I’d intended, but I wanted her crawling kinda cat-like and predatory. Even if I ended up inadvertently covering up the “good bits”, I still like the look of her here.

Gon and Killua Character Ask 2

So, um… I never really know what to do with questions like this. It feels like, no matter what, the answer is going to be uninteresting and kinda boring. However, I don’t like ignoring my supporters when they post a question multiple times, so I took a crack at this. I don’t think the response is anything special, but hopefully it’ll at least be kinda nice to see Gon and Killua again… right?

Harley Quinn Character Ask 2

This is one where I had a pretty good idea how to answer when I first saw it. I’d been thinking of doing something with Deku getting pegged for a while, and it also fits in with my idea of how I might do theoretical Harley/Robin content. I like to think this is Harley’s preferred way of interacting with young heroes, when she’s not being a more conventional supervillain type of course. The last Ask I did for Harley I did a more comic book style, but for this one I went with her animated design (my preferred Harley), since I thought it’d clash with the anime look of Deku a bit less.

James Character Ask 1

This was one where I knew right away what the visual would be, but I had to think a bit about the actual answer portion. Eventually I decided it’d be worth acknowledging that getting to toy with Ash isn’t a rare occurrence, but due to James somewhat limited critical thinking skills he’s just now noticing how much easier it is to catch Ash than it is to catch Pikachu. Of course it’s the difference one would expect between someone who doesn’t want to be caught, and someone who does. 😉