Tag Archives: Daphne Blake

Yung Hee Tyson Character Ask 1

I’d been wanting to do something with Yung Hee and Velma for a while, since I feel like her main inspirations are Velma and Jade Chan. This Ask seemed primed for making that connection, and I included Daphne ’cause it would’ve felt weird to leave her out. Even though this is a pretty simple Ask, I like the idea of a mystery solving club. Whether they solve actual Studio mysteries or host, like, murder mystery parties, either way I like little looks into how Studio residents entertain themselves when they’re not on camera. I’m not sure how many potential mystery solvers there could be for a club like that, mostly I can just think of other characters from Hanna-Barbera Scooby clones, but I might revisit the concept if I have a good reason to.

Johnny Bravo Character Ask 1

While I’m sure he probably still comes on too strong most of the time, Johnny’s success rate in the Studio is bound to be better than it was in his original show. The third episode of that show was a fun crossover with Scooby-Doo, and I thought letting Johnny hook up with Daphne and Velma would be a fun and sensible first crossover for him. I don’t know how often I’ll be drawing him, since his stylized appearance and exaggerated proportions don’t naturally translate easily into my usual style, but I really wanted to fit this in while he’s on my mind. In the episode Johnny hits on Daphne, who rebuffs him like all the women in the show do, while Velma’s into him but ignored. I’d like to do an inverse of this dynamic eventually, where Velma gets some Bravo D, but for now I went this route since Daphne doesn’t always get as much love in my work.

Hex Sex

Ever since I first started drawing Scooby-Doo pics again, people have been asking me about the Hex Girls (Thorn, Dusk and Luna). These three are very fondly remembered from their first appearance in Scooby-Doo and the Witch’s Ghost, though they also appear in shows like What’s New Scooby-Doo? and Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated. It’s not hard to see why people like them, a trio of goth rock stars is gonna naturally appeal to a lot of people, plus their songs in the first movie they show up in had much smoother and entrancing animation than most Scooby-Doo media. I decided to pair them up with Daphne and Velma, even though I tend to avoid pics with this many characters (I have trouble staging them, and they take much longer and slow down other projects). I will probably revisit the Hex Girls eventually, though it may be a while from now. I’d kinda like to do something with their Mystery Incorporated designs, plus I’m sorta interested in a Thorn/Velma pic. There’s a scene towards the end of Witch’s Ghost where Thorn is using a spell book while the ghost is going nuts, and Velma’s clinging to her in a very cute/shippable way. For now, though, enjoy this pic.

Blakes Poolside

So a while back I released a Daphne Blake MomSwap entry, using the “A Pup Named Scooby-Doo” versions of Daphne and her mother (who I used the name Elizabeth for, since that was the name of Daphne’s mom in the older shows). Mystery Incorporated uses a completely different continuity, however, with more prominently featured parents for all the main cast. Daphne’s mom in this version is named Nan, and she’s sorta like this shallow, airhead trophy wife type character. All the women in Daphne’s family look like alternate designs for Daphne herself, including her mom, but the plus side of that is that all the women in Daphne’s family are pretty hot. Nan herself seems like a taller, bustier Daphne with longer and slightly oranger hair (and a hat). I put them by the pool we see the gang hang out in once or twice.
I have more stuff planned from this version of Scooby-Doo down the road, including a return to Hot Dog Water/Velma content. There’s a lot of characters unique to this version of the franchise I’d like to explore, but I’d also like to dabble in some stuff from other versions too eventually. The challenge will just be finding the time, so I can’t say how long it’ll be until we see Scooby-Doo stuff pop up again. ^_^;

Velma Dinkley Character Ask 3

So, for the record, I think Daphne’s ass is probably tighter, but obviously Velma’s is juicier.
I’ve been wanting to draw classic Daphne and Velma again for a minute. Not sure if this Ask scratched that itch all the way, there might be more coming with them later unless I get distracted. Velma especially I’ve been wanting to draw again. This just seemed like a fun way to work these two back into circulation.

Fresh Daphne and Velma

So I’m sure everyone’s seen the trailers for the new Scooby-Doo movie by now. I’ve been itching to do something with Daphne and Velma again for a while, and while I personally still prefer the more classic designs, I thought it’d be fun to dabble in these new designs a little. I don’t expect to draw these versions of them again (though I might try out the loli designs we see in the trailer at some point, not sure), I wanted to do at least one pic with them.

MomSwap – Daphne and Elizabeth Blake

I’ve wanted to use the “Pup Named Scooby-Doo” versions of the Mystery Inc. crew for a while. Of them, I think Daphne is especially cute, so I used her and her mom first. Daphne actually has two different moms that appear in the show (there’s no indication they’re different characters, it comes across more like they forgot about her first appearance and introduced a new design when they used her later). The first time we see Daphne’s parents they’re just two rich people stereotypes, but in the second appearance they both look just like, well… Daphne. I used that later appearance here, since the family resemblance is there, and even though she’s not named in “Pup” Daphne does have a redheaded mother named Elizabeth in other versions of the franchise. I plan to do Velma and her mom in a later entry for MomSwap, too, but it won’t be the next one.

Daphne Blake Character Ask 1

So Daphne’s appeared in Velma’s Asks before, but this is her first time answering a question herself. I felt like this one was really just an excuse to draw Daphne and Velma together again, but… I’m okay with that. I’ve liked these two as a pairing ever since I was a little kid, and the only reason I don’t draw them more often is because Scooby-Doo isn’t a franchise in the forefront of my mind these days. Anyway, tried to do something a little different with them instead of more ass worship (though there’s still a good view, if you ask me).

If you wanna see Velma in a slightly different role, feel free to check out my latest fic here: https://nearhentai.com/literature/chi-chis-fan-appreciation-tour-chapter-one-meet-the-fans/

Velma Dinkley Character Ask 2

So originally this Ask was going to be just Velma showing off her butt, without the mention of Daphne. While I was working on it, though, I decided it’d be a lot more fun to return to Velma’s roots (as far as my work is concerned) and bring Daphne in to show off her love of Velma’s ass. I tweaked my designs for these characters slightly here, trying to take in some elements from their different incarnations that I like. No major changes or anything, but thought I should acknowledge that the way I draw these two is still evolving.