Tag Archives: Dragon Ball Z

First Shoot #24 – Nolan Grayson

Our most recent First Shoot poll featured another three-way tie. The first of the three characters who tied is Nolan Grayson, better known as Omni-Man from Invincible. I’m not personally a huge fan of him, but I see the appeal for others and decided to include him in the poll. His tie here coincides with a number of other Invincible things that have already come through, marking something of a resurgence for a show I haven’t watched in a while. Omni-Man’s randomized partner for this shoot is Cell, and I had a pretty easy time working out their dynamic.

Levi Ackerman Character Ask 2

I think I’ve covered it some before, but I picture Levi approaching Studio life as a bit of a challenge. Not to say he never has fun, but he takes his work on camera seriously and you can’t be a bottom in the Studio without taking some Saiya-jin dick eventually. I could’ve paired him with Vegeta, since he already has experience with DBZ short kings, but I decided to go with someone I use a little less often in Future Trunks.

Tapion Character Ask 1

Tapion and Minotia’s story in Wrath of the Dragon was always really sad. Both have been in the Studio for a good while now, but I never really did anything with them together. By now they’ve had plenty of time to acclimate to Studio culture, though, and I thought a little Ask featuring them might be fun.

Also, for anyone who’s interested, here is the Q&A video I did for Subscribers last month:

Nappa Character Ask 1

I can recall at least one time Nappa and Vegeta meet after Nappa’s death, maybe there are others I’m forgetting, but I think in the Studio they’d probably have a slightly different dynamic. I don’t really see Vegeta putting the gang back together with either Nappa or Raditz, personally, but I’m sure they’ve reconciled a bit. I really don’t think Nappa would have the balls to try and go behind Vegeta’s back at all, but I do think Vegeta would be fine with letting Bulma use Nappa for some good side dick.

Space Emperor Slut, Page 16

So here’s the final page of Space Emperor Slut, finally! This ending has always been the plan, more or less, from day one. Funnily enough, however, this comic began before Frieza’s return in Super, so this setting was going to be different. The original plan was for Frieza to wake up in HFIL, and have a conversation with Cell. I changed it to take place during his training with Tagoma, and setting up a potential sequel (though we’ll see). This is another page where there’s not much difference between the two versions, but I need to keep it consistent (and there is a minor difference through the flashbacks).