Since this Ask specified season four Jean, I figured I’d include the matching Sasha design even though we don’t really see her looking like this too much in the show itself. This ship isn’t one I particularly get, personally, but I know there’s some support for it and I figured people might like seeing them together.
Since her debut, Sasha’s gotten a few Asks here and there relating to Gabi. I’ve never had a good opportunity to answer any of them until now. I don’t really see Sasha as someone who’d hold what went down with Gabi against her, although I don’t want to get into it too much here. I do think Gabi would be remorseful and looking for redemption, though, leading to the dynamic I hope came across here in Sasha’s answer.
This feels like kind of a go-to type of question for Sasha, and I figured I might as well get it out of the way. Sasha’s probably more interested in meat than she is “meat”, but I figured she’d be up to the challenge of multitasking to indulge in both. The Studio has limitless access to food from across the multiverse, so I’m sure Sasha will be a bit overwhelmed expanding her palette for a while.
The winning One-Shot script this month features a smattering of characters from The Legend of Korra and Attack on Titan. The script called for their late-season designs, which I hope I was able to do (especially for TLoK, aside from Korra herself I don’t really know how anyone’s designs change). It also features the debuts of Sasha and Kuvira, although in both cases I feel I’ll be using different looks for them if they show up again.