Tag Archives: Son Goku Jr.

Eda Clawthorne Character Ask 4

The answer here was pretty basic, the part of this one I had to think about was who to pair her with. Ever since he showed up in a previous One-Shot, I’ve heard some demand to see more of Goku, Jr. Now, I know that those folks are probably looking more to see him in yaoi content, but once I thought of him I liked the idea. Eda’s already worked with his great-great-great-great-grandfather a couple of times, plus Goku, Jr. has some experience fucking witches in the Studio already. So here we are, I think the result is cute.

August ’21 One-Shot

In Dragon Ball, there are three orange-haired, teal elf ladies who (as far as I know) are completely unrelated. This comic looked to pair each of them up with a member of the Son family they interacted with directly in their respective brief appearances. First is Princess Snake and Goku, who’ve I’ve drawn together before. Second is Zangya and Gohan, who I’ve drawn together rather extensively. The third is two first-timers for me, Mamba and Goku Jr. from the Dragon Ball GT movie, A Hero’s Legacy. Anyway, hope you all enjoy the teal-elf-on-Saiya-jin action!