13 Fucks

I drew this a couple months ago, but finally got around to coloring it today. Here we have Flim Flam getting some Daphne booty in one of those old castles the Scooby-Doo gang keep finding themselves in. For those who don’t remember Flim Flam, he’s from The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo, a mini-series that also featured a slight redesign for Daphne (pictured here). With her jumpsuit and new haircut, I kind of have to wonder if this design might have influenced the eventual look of April O’Neil in the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show.

I love this look for Daphne, and I hope I can draw her again some time. I might do more with her and Flim Flam, if people like this pairing, but I’ve also been thinking of doing something with her and Scooby. I don’t do bestiality often, but I’m more open to doing it with talking, sentient animals like Scooby.


  1. Bockel Boy

    Careful Flim Flam, she may return that slap a 1000 times on your ass.
    It’s not like you haven’t needed one hell of a spanking for a long time.

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