Month: September 2016
Here’s the second entry in the MomSwap series, this time featuring Pokémon’s Dawn and Johanna. Obviously the world of Pokémon is a very different one than the world of Coraline, or any of the other franchises that’ll be popping up on this app, but in this setting the characters live their lives in a more mundane setting. I’m sure in this setting they have a pet cat that vaguely resembles a Glameow.
I tried looking everywhere to see if Dawn has an official last name listed anywhere. I found lots of names that sounded plausible, but no official source for any of them, so I figured Dawn and her mom must’ve just decided not to use last names when they signed up for the app.
I wasn’t planning to do another MomSwap so soon, but I needed a simple pic to help me keep my sanity while I drew people kissing. So, when I needed a break from those commissions, I worked on this on the side and it ended up getting done a lot faster than I’d expected. Not sure when another MomSwap entry will come along, but I’d like to do a new Pokédex entry before then.
So here’s the second of my two “PG Commissions”. I don’t have a whole lot to say about this one, other than I wouldn’t mind doing a more explicit pic of these two some day. The client specified that, although Future Trunks is in his Dragon Ball Super design, he should have the violet hair of his Z design.
Tomorrow I plan to post the second MomSwap pic. Not sure what’ll come after that, but whatever it is it’ll be smutty.
So I mentioned yesterday that the “Aftermath Prologue” picture was originally a full color commission, but due to miscommunication and a sudden change of heart from the client, it was turned into two lineart pics. Well, this is the other lineart pic. Normally I would not accept a commission like this, but I decided it was better to accept this than refund the payments that had already been made. Apparently the previous picture was also supposed to be innocent like this, somehow, which is what lead to the whole confusing mess. This client also bought up my second commission slot that was open, and after some changes from what I was originally told it is going to be a full-color pic along the same lines as this one.
Once these commissions are out of the way, though, don’t expect to see too much clothing around here for a while.
So this was a commission that I thought was probably meant as a prelude to the Aftermath pic I did a little bit ago. Originally it was going to be a full color commission, but there was some sort of miscommunication (I’m still not 100% sure how it happened), and the client and I decided to instead turn it into two unrelated lineart commissions (only $10 more). So hopefully soon I will have the other lineart to post here, though it has nothing to do with this pic and will be much tamer than what I usually post.
Some of you may remember not that long ago when I posted my own take on Sonnie the Sluthog, a fan version of Sonic that I’m quite fond of. I said then that I would like to draw “slutty” versions of other Sonic characters, and the first one I’m taking a stab at is Knuckles.
I’m not the first to give Knuckles this treatment, and in fact several elements of this design are borrowed from what other artists have done. Unfortunately, I’m not 100% sure where certain things originated, but his makeup colors, ponytail, and even the name “Knuxxxy” are all borrowed/stolen from other artist’s work. With my version I decided to make him a bit taller and more toned than my take on Sonnie. Not quite to Sonic Boom levels, but if he was standing next to Sonnie he’s be a full head taller.
I hope you guys like these “Sluthog” pics, ’cause I really like making them. I haven’t decided for sure yet which character to do next, but I’m looking forward to returning to this series soon.
So the Near Hentai Monthly Lady for this month ended up being Palutena, the goddess from the Kid Icarus games. Some of you may recall not long ago I ran a poll asking who the sexiest video game characters were, and a perennial favorite was Pit, the protagonist of those games, so I figured this was a good chance to introduce him to the blog as well.
I’ve never played Kid Icarus, but I’ve played a lot of Super Smash Bros., so I feel like I know these characters pretty well through those games. I really like both of them, and have come close to drawing both of them in different SSB pics from time to time, but I’ve never been able to settle on any of my ideas for those games. This pic is a lot more straight forward than those pics were, just an angel boy and his goddess. I put them in Palutena’s bath, which was in one of the anime scenes for Kid Icarus Uprising. I have no idea if it’s in any of the games, but I thought Pit helping Palutena relax in her giant hot tub room seemed like as good a place as any for them to bone. This is why she doesn’t have any of her usual accessories; she was already fully naked and soaking when Pit walked in (probably by mistake, you know how anime boys are).
So here’s a little something I started before taking on those commissions. Since it was mostly done anyway, and it’s been a while since I’ve posted some pussy on here, I thought it’d be a good one to finish up now that we’re back to business as usual.
I had this idea a while ago, for an app fictional girls could use to trade their mothers with other girls. In this setting they’ve all already had lots of fun with their moms, but now want to spice things up by swapping them out, and MomSwap is the perfect app for them to do just that! They can browse hundreds of other mother/daughter couples, and choose to Swap (start a conversation with the other couple) or Drop (move on and keep looking). Something about young girls sitting up all night, swiping through potential incestuous swingers while their dutiful mothers eat them out, works for me.
I don’t know how often I’ll do MomSwap pics, but I enjoyed this one and there are a ton of potential MomSwap users out there. I chose to start with Coraline and her mom simply because I’ve been wanting to draw Mel of a long time, and this seemed like a good opportunity. I really like her overall design in the film, and I hope I get the chance to draw her again real soon. ^_^ I was originally only going to post the app pic, but decided to include the original image for y’all, since it’s bigger than the one inside the app, and some of you may dislike the whole app gimmick anyway.
Also, I’d like to say that, even though there will definitely be some of the same characters here as in Sleepover Raid, this is not canon with that comic. That probably doesn’t make much difference to most people, but it’s the kind of thing I think about. I have thought that the MomSwap app might be a useful tool for setting up future comics, though, so it might make an appearance in comic form later on down the line.