Sidon and Link

I haven’t spoken about it much here in these blog posts, but anyone who pays attention to the cBox knows I’ve been dealing with some personal issues lately. Everyone’s been really great and supportive while I’ve been dealing with both the emotional and logistical problems that arise from losing someone you’re dependent on. Two people that have been really helpful to me, though, are my close friends Anya and Noel. As you might have guessed, the recent pic I did of Anya and Salazzle was sort of a “thank you” for her continued friendship and support, and similarly this pic is meant for Noel. Some time ago she sent me a video out of the blue describing this picture of Prince Sidon and Link from Breath of the Wild, and I committed it to memory with the intent of some day bringing it to life. With both Anya’s pic and this one, they were things I’d been wanting to draw for a while anyway, but under the circumstances (wanting to thank them, plus not feeling up to working on things like commissions) I moved them forward to now. These were both fun and relaxing to do, plus it’s just nice to create something for someone you care about.

I’m really fond of Link’s design in this game, and would like to draw more of him when I can. It’s always a bit intimidating submitting art for something as popular as Breath of the Wild, though, as so many great artists have already put their stamp on the brand. Often times that’s enough to scare me away from a subject, so we’ll see if I ever get around to drawing him again.

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