Hey, guys. I know it’s been a while, but I finally got around to finishing Gohan’s first (yes, I plan to do more with him) Trap Slut entry. I’m sorry for the wait, but these can take a while, and it’s hard to get in the right mood for them when I have so many other projects that rank higher on my priorities list. Anyway, I hope you like this page. This Gohan is the one around the time of the Garlic Jr. Saga, when he had the long hair. He’s styled it up in a bun, while borrowing one of his mom’s old dresses that’s been refitted for his physique. I think he looks pretty good!
Month: January 2018
I had a bit of trouble answering this one for a number of reasons. One, I was legitimately unsure why someone would prefer one cock in their mouth and one in their ass… The question at its core didn’t make much sense to me, but I fabricated some reasons that I’m not sure really mean anything. Further, this felt like a question that should just be Deku talking to the camera. After all, if he has one of those cocks in his mouth, he can’t exactly answer, now can he? However, I knew this asker had gotten really sad last time I answered one of his questions that way, so I wracked my brain and came up with this approach as a way to make the visual component of this response more interesting. I hope it worked.
This was a picture that sort of came about as a surprise, even to me. I’d been toying with the idea of doing a Sonic/Chris pic for a while, and for whatever reason one day I was overcome with the urge to finally draw one. Knuckles and Tails were added in as I went, and the dialogue was the last detail before I started coloring it. So this was a pic that kinda formed as I made it, instead of having a clear idea from the start. I hope you guys like it, ’cause if so I may draw Chris getting passed around as a Mobian cocksleeve the way he should in more pics.

The funny thing about this Ask is that I actually know nothing about Vaati. I’ve never played any of the games he’s in and, in fact, hadn’t even heard of him before he was commissioned (by the same person both times, who was also the asker of this question). This means my interpretation of him is based pretty much entirely on the way he’s been commissioned. I like this reading, though, and I hope it’s not too out of character for him.
If you would like to see the original clip starring Alexa and Geizer that this is ripped from, you can find it here: http://fabsluts.com/videos/2816/fabsluts-alexa-geizer/.
This is the penultimate page of the first chapter to the Ludibrio Chronicles. I hope you guys have been enjoying this chapter so far. While it’s lighter on plot than some of the other ones I have planned, I really do think it’s a good baseline introduction to the Ludibrio and the setting their stories take place in. The last page of this chapter will go up sometime next month, and then we can start a new chapter with new characters.
Here’s another commission purchased through the Epic Tier. The Dark Link in the background for this one was a last minute addition, as the client thought it’d be fun to have one recording what was going on. I think his presence is for the best, since Link is now not only being “tortured” by Vaati’s body being just out of reach, but his humiliation is being documented.