So my version of Blackfire basically just exists to play with Starfire. I don’t really think of her in any other capacity, so her interactions/relationships with other Titans in my work is based purely on how she can use them to toy with her sister. This here’s a good example of that. Originally I had toyed with the idea of Robin being in a full Starfire cosplay for this one, but honestly this drawing was already more complicated than the vast majority of Character Asks I do so I decided against it. Instead I just had Blackfire slap a wig on him, specifically the one she wore clubbing in her debut episode when she was trying to take Starfire’s place so that Star could take hers.
Month: April 2018
Okay, so this picture is going to take a bit of explaining. Dragon Ball F is a concept I came up with about a year or so ago. The idea is an alternate reality to the main Dragon Ball timeline where there are no men (my head canon explanation is that someone with some very specific tastes ended up with the Dragon Balls, or maybe even the Super Dragon Balls, a long time ago and altered that universe’s reality as a result). This means all of the male (or ambiguous) characters in Dragon Ball are now female, while the female characters are unchanged from their original designs (so it’s not a full genderswap universe). Babies still get made through the existence of “futa beans”, a more common vegetable than the senzu beans, which will grand the consumer of one a fully functional cock/balls until the point of ejaculation. The cool thing about this, for me, is that you can end up with a situation where, say, Chi-Chi eats a futa bean and then fucks lady Goku. I dunno, I think that’s fun.
Anyway, I drew this picture around the time I came up with this concept, so it’s a bit old now but hopefully hasn’t aged too poorly. The idea was that before I start using this concept for anything, I should establish at least a few of the characters and how they now look with solo pics like this. Goku’s the obvious starting point, and I based her female physique off the more feminine design I used when I drew Goku in his God form (just, you know, more so). I also dolled her up a bit more than she might normally be. It’s hard to imagine even a female Goku doing things like wearing high heels or makeup/jewelry, but I like to think Chi-Chi dressed her up nicely for this photo. Maybe if I draw more of this version of Goku she won’t have these elements.
Anyway, what do you guys think? Do you like this concept? Should I do more? I’m not 100% certain how much I want to run with this idea (hence the one year where this picture sat half-finished in my work folder), and your feedback will do a lot to help me decide if it’s worth doing. I like the idea of a completely yuri/futa-on-female world, personally. Also, who would you like me to draw next for this project? Vegeta seems like the obvious choice, but I’m willing to listen to other ideas. ^_^
So, like I’ve mentioned before with some of the other Character Asks directed at these two, Riley is in complete denial about his relationship with his brother. He can write off the physical pleasure of sex as a mutually beneficial arrangement (in my work they’ve both switched between top and bottom with each other, and Riley secretly enjoys both), but when it comes to displays of affection he gets too uncomfortable. Unfortunately his homophobia makes it hard for him to entertain the idea of things like kisses, or snuggling, or anything of that nature.
So this is the Hearing Hero “Earphone Jack”, Kyoka Jiro. She’s one of the students at U.A. High School in My Hero Academia, and one of the more prominent characters I haven’t drawn yet from that series. Honestly it’s just because most of the MHA content I’ve done has been decided by other people (either through commission or rewards), because Earphone Jack is one of my favorite girls in the series. I love the deadpan snarker types, especially with female characters, and I think her design is super cute. However, since I don’t really have any other characters I like to pair her with just yet, I decided I’d do this quick pic pairing her with an anon just so I could make sure I’ve drawn her at least once. I wouldn’t mind drawing her again sometime soon, possibly paired with another actual character, but we shall see.
This commission was purchased by the same Epic Tier supporter that bought the Resident Evil zombies earlier. Like before he wanted to take a monster type and create a slimmer, sexier version. In this case it’s the Anubis army from “The Mummy Returns”, which some of you may remember running around at the command of the Scorpion King in that film. I barely even remembered them (mostly I remembered The Rock with his horrible CGI scorpion parts), but after doing some research I was able to put this together for him. The little counter in the corner is meant to represent just how many more of these guys there are (since there’s no way I could draw a full army, nor could they likely have afforded it).
I liked doing this one. ^_^ This is the first time I’ve been able to actually run the answer I wrote past the person it’s being asked towards. The Noel that works for Near Hentai studios is obviously different than the real life Noel Cypress, but it was still cool to see her reaction to this answer.
So here’s the next page of hentaib’s comic Mickey and the Queen. Page five is probably a long ways off, but when it’s ready I’ll release it here.
Below is the original page for comparison’s sake.
So here’s the winner if the Near Hentai Monthly Lady raffle for April. Gluko is from a show called Mon Colle Knights, which I’ve never seen. The Wiki describes her as being very nice and polite, but also one of the main villains, so I don’t really have a good read on her. Nonetheless her boobs seem to be a big part of her design so I decided to incorporate that into this picture here. The boy here is Mondo, the show’s protagonist. He’s pretty cute himself, even if you can’t tell here due to the angle of the shot. I included his signature gloves and knee pad so fans of the show can hopefully tell it’s him. I think she turned out pretty good, so even if you’re like me and don’t have any connection to this series I hope you can enjoy this pic!
With this posted it means NHML nominations for May are now open. You can nominate simply by leaving a comment below or in the cBox on the side of the site. Only one nomination per person, please. Nominees can be any female character so long as I haven’t drawn them within the past year, nor are they a previous NHML winner. I look forward to seeing who you all nominate!
The interesting thing about this Ask for me was the fact that, like Huey points out, he has appeared in at least one threesome with us here at Near Hentai. While I think there’s plenty of potential partners for Huey, outside of his core group of Riley, Cindy and Jazmine it’d kinda be a case-by-case basis. Those three are the ones he’s had the most experience with and would be the most comfortable around, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t work with people outside that group if the right situation cropped up.