Yugo Character Ask 1

So I’ve put off this Ask for a few months now, I think. I’m not a huge fan of incorporating powers into porn, I usually think it looks kinda weird and not erotic (same goes for this pic). I caved and answered this one, though, knowing I wanted Yugo to be using the portals to do something to himself. I knew he could be blowing himself, since he needs his mouth free to answer, so I was gonna do this handjob thing but… It was pretty lame, and you don’t need portals to jerk yourself off. Then I thought it’d be fun to have him giving himself a footjob, something that’s very difficult to pull off without portals and also plays into the tastes a lot of my followers have, I think.

Also, a new story was added to the Literature section, written by an outside contributor, Jjaamm. It’s a cute, short little story featuring Kota and Izuku based on one of their Character Asks.


  1. Troy

    I’d love to see a second ask with Yugo using his portal to give himself anal. I love your work and I always will. Much love from down under (Australia)

  2. Troy Edge

    I’d love to see a second ask with Yugo using his portal to give himself anal. I love your work and I always will. Much love from down under (Australia)

  3. EnigmusPrime

    I personally like the Power Pervesion Potential trope. It adds a bit of creativity to both the sex and the application of the powers. Besides, you’ve already got Luffy using his gum-gum powers to give himself a big dick, so why not this?

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