So here’s another commission for the S.H.O.T.A. Project, this one featuring three boys from Sonic X. Front and center is Chris Thorndyke, of course, and to his left (our right) is Danny, a friend of his from school. The other boy is actually an extra, as best I can tell only appearing in one single brief shot in episode 38, “Showdown in Space”. I think it’s a bit odd to use such a supremely minor character, but I guess he really captured the client’s attention so he got included, too. Anyway, hope you all enjoy the pic. ^_^
You Could have done with Helen and France with project Loli as Chris friends on it would been hot.
You realize this is a commission, right?
But I what mean is you should draw Helen and Frances lewd sonic x NHML nominated commission but I get what you mean now.
Oh okay then. I’ll just have to wait later then.