
January ’15 WWOTM – Lieutenant Helga Katrina Sinclair

The WWOEC Woman of the Month for January 2015 is Lt. Helga Katrina Sinclair from Disney’s Atlantis: The Lost Empire. I always enjoyed the Atlantis film, though both it and Treasure Planet tend to get lumped together and pushed to the side as far as mainstream Disney attention goes. I’m not sure why that is, I think they’re both great adventure movies for kids, but maybe it’s that breaking of the Disney formula that stigmatizes them to casual viewers.

Anyway, one thing I always liked about Atlantis is that it has three smoking hot female characters. So, when Helga came up, I took advantage of the opportunity to include Kida and Audrey as well, though Helga is still the focus. I did my best to make it clear the guy is meant to be Milo, too. Unfortunately, do to poor spacial planning and the restrictions of my references, both his and Kida’s heads ended up cut off more than I would’ve liked. Still, I think the pic is pretty solid, and I hope you guys like it. 🙂

Sarah and Jim Hawkins

So, back in March, I contributed a WWOEC Woman of the Month picture of Sarah Hawkins (from Disney’s Treasure Planet) being eaten out by her son, Jim. I do WWOTM pics every month, so I didn’t think much of it, but it was one of the most popular pictures I’ve done. I got multiple comments between this blog, Rule 34’s comment section, and even a couple emails requesting more of these two. Not one to disappoint, here I am with a follow-up pic. I hope you all enjoy this one as much as the previous, and hopefully I’ll find the time to do more in the future. I’d really like to try a threesome pic some time with this mother/son duo and Captain Amelia.

July ’14 WWOTM – Dilandra (Dyl) Piquel

So the WWOEC Woman of the Month for July 2014 is Dilandra (or Dyl) Piquel, the wife of Lucky Piquel in Disney’s Bonkers. I never really watched Bonkers, I just found the main character a bit too annoying. This was the first time I’d seen Dyl or her daughter (Marilyn, pictured here between her mother’s legs). I wasn’t crazy about either of them, but I whipped this one up anyway for the event.

However, I do think I’ll revisit this series sometime to draw Miranda Wright, Bonkers’ female partner from some episodes. I like her design quite a bit, and I’m kind of wanting to pair Bonkers up with a human character. I don’t know if or when I’ll do that, but hopefully sometime soon. In the meantime, enjoy this pic!

March ’14 WWOTM – Sarah Hawkins

The WWOEC Woman of the Month for March of 2014 is Sarah Hawkins, the mother from Treasure Planet. There were a lot of submissions this month focusing on the opening of the film, where Sarah is a bit younger telling a five-year-old Jim a story. I decided to go with the age of the characters from the “present” of the film, but I also went the mother/son route. I’ve been doing a lot more incest stuff lately, though frankly I’m surprised how long it took me to touch on the subject. It’s always been a favorite of mine, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot more of it in the future, as well.

November ’13 WWOTM – Rapunzel

The WWOEC Woman of the Month for November 2013 is Rapunzel from Disney’s Tangled. I loved Tangled, quite a bit, and Rapunzel’s depiction in it was part of why. Originally I had only planned to do one pic (it would’ve been the middle one), but then I decided it would be easy to do a glowy hair one. I wanted to show short-haired Rapunzel some love, too, so I found a similar picture (there are millions of pics with nearly this exact same pose, it’s crazy) and imitated the rope pattern to create the third pic.

I wish I could say I drew that background, but it’s taken from the movie. I did re-create the image over the screenshot to make it look more like the foreground, but that’s all I can take credit for there.

I tried a very different approach to this one in general, taking a few cues from mainstream porn sites like Taboolicious. I don’t think I’m particularly suited for this style, but it was a fun experiment and I’m happy with the end result.

June ’13 WWOTM – Wendy Corduroy

The WWOEC Woman of the Month for June 2013 is Wendy Corduroy of Disney’s Gravity Falls. I’ve only seen the show a couple times, but I liked it when I did and may see more of it in the future. Seeing more of Wendy would certainly be an incentive for that.

I don’t feel particularly confident about this one, as I had to resize parts of her body in Photoshop after scanning my original sketch. I think I got everything pretty close, but I’m not sure. Hopefully Wendy fans will enjoy it nonetheless. I did, however, enjoy experimenting with the pattern of her shirt. Patterns on cloth is something I’ve only attempted a few times, and the flannel here was simple enough that I could practice without over-exerting myself.

March ’13 WWOTM – Webra Walters

While I attempt to trudge through my commissions, I took a little break (I needed it) to pump out a pic of this month’s WWOEC Woman of the Month: Webra Walters. I watched quite a bit of DuckTales as a kid, but I don’t remember much of it and certainly don’t recall this reporter character at all. I gotta say, I’m not really a fan of her design, though I can’t put my finger on why. I never really found any of the girls in DuckTales attractive, and I usually have no problem with furries. Ah, well, I hope that those of you who do like the character can enjoy this pic.

June ’12 WWOTM – Sharon Spitz

WWOEC’s Woman of the Month (or girl of the month, as the case may be) for June of 2012 was Sharon Spitz of Braceface. I never watched the show, nor was I all that interested in Miss Spitz, here (she looks a bit too generic pretty for me, minus the braces). Still, I rather like how this picture came out. I’d never really considered the possibility of teeth as something sexy in a blowjob pic until now.