This Ask is in reference to an old One-Shot. I don’t really see much chemistry between Luffy and Yamcha, however I had the idea for Yamcha’s reaction here and thought it’d be funny. Yamcha’s frequently ending up in scenarios where he expects to get to top and then ends up doing the opposite, and this is just another example of that.
Our most recent First Shoot poll featured another three-way tie. The first of the three characters who tied is Nolan Grayson, better known as Omni-Man from Invincible. I’m not personally a huge fan of him, but I see the appeal for others and decided to include him in the poll. His tie here coincides with a number of other Invincible things that have already come through, marking something of a resurgence for a show I haven’t watched in a while. Omni-Man’s randomized partner for this shoot is Cell, and I had a pretty easy time working out their dynamic.
I think I’ve covered it some before, but I picture Levi approaching Studio life as a bit of a challenge. Not to say he never has fun, but he takes his work on camera seriously and you can’t be a bottom in the Studio without taking some Saiya-jin dick eventually. I could’ve paired him with Vegeta, since he already has experience with DBZ short kings, but I decided to go with someone I use a little less often in Future Trunks.
When I saw Bulma and Butt Witch get paired up in the character raffle that set up these pages, I knew I wanted Bulma to top the green butt woman. Bulma’s got a bit of a reputation with strapons, and Butt Witch has been topping a lot more than usual thanks to the nature of her comic, so this is both a return to form for Bulma and a change of pace for Butt Witch.
For the tenth magazine cover I thought I’d break the model and do a couples pairing. A number of Studio couples were nominated for this page, but I decided to go with Goku’s parents since I thought they struck a good balance of being a popular, loving couple who have a good presence in the Studio but still feel underrepresented.