Dragon Ball

Gero’s Control

I recently wrapped up this commission featuring Androids 17 and 18. This one’s a bit different than what I usually do, since I typically like to portray a grounded scene. This is more symbolic or metaphorical. It started as an homage to the opening of Spectre, but through discussion it sort of morphed and became it’s own thing.

I have mixed feelings about this one. I feel there are some elements I could have done better, I’m not sure my style is properly suited to this sort of art. I think a more traditional, painterly approach could have really driven home the more sinister undertones (and overtones!) of this pic, but that’s not really my area of expertise. Nonetheless, I think it turned out fine. I will probably doing more straight-up pornographic material with the Androids at some point, but it’s hard to guess when.

EDIT: By request, I’ve added a second version without the good doctor (though I kept the RR logo).

Crossover Sleepover, Part 2

Here’s the follow-up to the previous Crossover Sleepover commission, where Dash gets revenge on Trunks and Goten by fucking theirmothers. Since he has incredible super-speed, he’s able to do both Bulma and Chi-Chi almost simultaneously.

I had a lot of fun working on these two images. I’m surprised I haven’t done Incredibles stuff before, given how much I love both Helen and Violet Parr. I’m sure I’ll be returning to this family eventually, even without commissions like this, especially with the sequel coming out in the not-too-distant future.

Space Emperor Slut, Page 2

I know it’s been a while, but I finally got the second page of “Space Emperor Slut” finished. Goku takes the initiative in his punishment of Frieza, but the infamous space tyrant seems awfully compliant, doesn’t he? Like the previous page, there are two versions. First had a “smoot” Frieza design based on his canon appearance, and the second features a cock and balls where you’d usually expect to find such things.

Special Training, Page 1

I hope fans of “Space Emperor Slut” can forgive me for this, but as I’ve been alluding to in my commentaries I have been working on a second DBZ comic, and here it is. “Special Training” came about after seeing several people (mostly on Paheal) responding to my picture “Before the Games”, asking to see Goku and Gohan interacting sans Chi-Chi. Well, I already had the idea in my head of the two of them getting frisky inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, so I wrote up this comic. My plan is to alternate between this comic and “Space Emperor Slut”, meaning the next DBZ comic page I post will be for that one. I know this makes my already unbearable slow update schedule even worse for people who only like one comic, but on the plus side it makes it that much less likely that I’ll get bored and stop doing one of them.

Crossover Sleepover, Part 1

This is the first installment in a two-part commission. The Incredibles and Dragonball Z obviously take place in different universes, but if these characters met it’s not hard to imagine Dash getting along famously with Trunks and Goten. However, once the two of them stay over at the Parr’s for a sleepover, Dash goes to sleep first and the two trouble makers have a little late-night fun with his mother.

The second picture is already paid for, but probably won’t show up here for a couple weeks. In it, we’ll get to see just how Dash plans to get his revenge.

Yaoi Crossover Gangbang

Here’s another commission I wrapped up. This one features five guys who you might not expect to see together, but the commissioner’s interest in them brought them together like this. From left-to-right we have Sorey (Tales of Zestiria), Trunks (Dragonball Z), Serge (Chrono Cross), Gohan (Dragonball Z), and Asbel Lhant (Tales of Graces).

I don’t have a lot of comments on this one. I like how it turned out, and I know there’s a section of my followers who will enjoy this all-male content that I haven’t done too much of. This particular client is planning to come back for more, so if you like this pic there should be similar ones in the future, too. Hope you enjoy!

Keep Him Alive

I’ve been on a real Dragon Ball kick lately. There’s probably going to be a lot more to come over the next few months. Probably it won’t all be like these most recent pics, I do have some straight and yuri concepts I’d like to do as well. I also hope to draw some other properties soon, but we’ll see where my interests take me. Right now I have, like, five other DBZ pics in the works, plus the start of a comic that I hope to be sharing soon.

Before the Games

So here’s a pic I just wrapped up. This one is actually based on a fanfic I wrote about eight or nine years ago (unreleased, I never shared any of my fics). It’s set just before the Cell Games when Goku and Gohan were in constant Super Saiyan mode. I always thought Gohan’s Super Saiyan look was really cute (Super Saiyan 2 as well, but that’s a pic for another day). I think this is also the first time I’ve drawn young Chi-Chi, so there’s that too for you guys.