My Hero Academia

My Pet Academia

So the client who purchased this commission off the list of Twenty was apparently inspired by the previous My Hero Academia pictures I had done. The idea here was basically to show Deku off posing in a collar, then put him in the butter churner position with an anonymous dick. Deku’s really cute, so I never mind drawing him. This commission was fun, and I hope you guys enjoy seeing him in this role.

My Gangbang Academia

I decided to do another pic of Izuku/Deku, the protagonist of My Hero Academia. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do (already did the “eating DNA” bit), so I just went for a nice little gangbang. Haven’t done double anal in a little while.

Afraid I don’t have much else to say about this one. It was a simple idea and there’s no real story to it. I do like how it turned out, but hopefully next time I can pair Deku up with some of the other characters in the show (male or female, I could honestly go either way with him).

Tomorrow I’ll be posting the first of The Twenty. Yaoi and shota fans should be happy with it. Peace.

Eating DNA

I’ve only seen the first five episodes or so, but I’ve been really enjoying My Hero Academia so far. The manga always looked to me like something I would enjoy, so this comes as no surprise, and I knew it was only a matter of time until I drew something from it.

The premise here is probably the most obvious one in the series, and I’m far from the first person to do it. For those who don’t know (spoilers, I guess), early in the series there’s a plot point about the main character (Izuku Midoriya, or Deku) having to ingest some DNA from their world’s equivalent of Superman (All Might) to gain some of his powers. In the show it’s a strand of hair, but they’re pretty clear that it could have been anything with his DNA, so naturally people like me immediately started thinking about cum.

I had some more fun with the lighting in this one, though in this case it was just recreating the lighting already present in the hair eating scene. This also meant using their outfits from that scene, so hopefully All Might is still recognizable even though he’s wearing a less iconic outfit than, say, his superhero tights.