In my mind, there’s really two ways to answer this question visually. Either I could draw Armin with Eren again to show how close they still are, or I can show Armin making his own connections outside their friendship to parallel Eren’s. I went with the latter, for variety’s sake, which I hope people won’t mind. I went with Aki as Armin’s partner here, ’cause I suspect there’s some overlap in the AOT and CSM fanbases.
So, Makima winning NHML puts me in an awkward position, but it’s one I was already in thanks to her involvement in one of the upcoming SubscribeStar Ongoing comics. This will be old news for Subscribers, but for people who only follow the public releases of my work, several Asks that haven’t gone public yet revolve around Makima not being in the Studio yet. So, for the record, canonically those Asks all happened before this NHML pic. As for the pic itself, I thought it’d be funny for Makima to work with Denji, but maybe not in the way he’d been envisioning.
With this post, NHML nominations for the month of June are now open. For those who don’t know, I’ll run down the rules real quick. Nominations are limited to one per person. You can nominate any female character you want, provided I have not drawn her within the past calendar year (though I prefer characters I’ve never drawn, period). Previous NHML winners are not eligible for a second time. Nominees must also not be from the same franchise as this month’s winner, Chainsaw Man. If you violate any of those rules, I’ll let you know, and you can nominate someone else. I know it can be hard to keep track of these things. You may nominate by either commenting in the cBox, commenting on this post, or emailing me ( I’ll compile a list of the nominees in the sidebar of this site, and then on June 1st I will use a randomizer to select the winning character who I will proceed to draw sometime that month. I look forward to seeing who you all nominate this time around!
So, I had this image in my head of Power adjusting to the Studio. I picture her looking around, watching videos, and kind of copying what she sees. In this case, I thought it’d be kinda cute if she just flat-out imitates the last thing she saw (Cat Noir’s recent Ask, Power was intrigued by his name and so sought out his Ask when it released), but despite just copying someone else is extremely proud and boastful of her performance. Hopefully that comes across well here.
Power was the third winner from this poll, tying with Rukia and Jeice. She’s become a real popular character since Chainsaw Man blew up, and I expect we’ll probably be seeing her around quite a bit. Her random partner, The Thing, was kind of a surprise, but I thought the idea of her not listening to him and insisting on calling him the Rock Devil would play well against his gruff personality.
Aki and Himeno are probably more vanilla of a ship than I typically draw, but I just kinda felt like it. I thought a state of partial undress would suit them, and I figured some folks might like seeing Aki with his shirt open like this. I don’t know if I’ll draw these two again or not, I guess we’ll see, but I hope y’all enjoy this little pic of them.