Tag Archives: Corey Park

Applebridge Snapshots Episode 7, The Blackmailing of Ms. Dumpsey

So here’s a new Applebridge Snapshot, this one bringing in the narratives for Corey Park and Ms. Dumpsey from relatively recent Bios I’ve released. I’ve wanted to do some variation of this story for a few years, and it feels good to finally get it out. Of course, as the last panel implies, Corey isn’t done with the mean old lady from down the road, and I do have more planned for these characters that I hope some of y’all will like. For now, though, I thought it was important to get the basis for their relationship and dynamic established. I’ve got a good idea of what the next Snapshot comic will be, but I think before I move on to that I would like to try and get out a new Mace ‘n Jackie comic? No promises, of course, but if I can that should be the next Applebridge comic I release.