So, of the standalone commissions I sold recently, this is the last one. This Subscriber has been pushing to get Nion into the Studio for a while now, and decided to get Gine and Fasha some action while they were at it. While this commission had a three character limit, for the cocks they wanted Bardock with Gine, Turles with Fasha, and King Vegeta with Nion. I’m not sure how clear it is, but that’s how I went with the colors.
This Subscriber has been pushing for something with Beerus bottoming for a while. The biggest obstacle to this was that their Asks and such mostly hinged in this premise of swapping roles to train Beerus. Since Beerus isn’t the one who trains Goku and Vegeta, it never made much sense to me to use those questions. For Scenarios I have a bit more wiggle room to play with, however, so I basically abandoned that element of the scene to instead fork in dialogue about the character who’s actually training them, Whis, who I’ve already drawn with all three of these characters at different points.
Omni-Man and Vegeta are two of those characters who you just see compared a lot, and with good reason. I’m pretty sure Omni-Man would have no problem with the bulk of the Saiya-jins in the Studio, given how many of them are from an earlier time and not up to DBZ standards. I didn’t want to commit to how he’d look at, like, Shugesh or Raditz or someone, though, so I’m limiting his sample size. I think even if Vegeta outright bested him he wouldn’t fully admit it, but at the very least there should be some begrudging respect there.
Here’s page five of our monthly SubscribeStar Bi Ongoing! There were only two scripts submitted for this month, which were fairly similar to one another, but I did my best to pull from both as we move into the real meat of this comic.
For the tenth magazine cover I thought I’d break the model and do a couples pairing. A number of Studio couples were nominated for this page, but I decided to go with Goku’s parents since I thought they struck a good balance of being a popular, loving couple who have a good presence in the Studio but still feel underrepresented.