Tag Archives: Dragon Ball Super

Cocotte Character Ask 4

So here’s another Ask for Cocotte! I dunno why, but I have a lot of fun drawing her every time. This one was just an excuse to do a footjob pic with her (both for the Asker and for myself), but here it is! I have a policy against introducing new characters in Asks, so rather than use an established Pride Trooper for the pic I just used the same blue anon alien cock from her first pic I did.

December ’19 One-Shot

Here’s the One-Shot I did for December, selected from nominations sent in by my supporters. Of course the holidays referenced in this comic have now passed, but it was more timely for my supporters. ^_^; This one presented a couple of unique challenges. First, was that I have very little experience working with the Fairly OddParents style (I’ve drawn it before, but it’s been ages). I did my best to find a compromise between my more realistic approach I usually use and the uber-stylized designs of the original characters. Also, the last panel was left completely open to me (except the dialogue). I decided that, since the pic was presented as a message from the Studio versions of characters, I should use Siat Wildstar, who’s sort of the mascot of the Studio. Since her panel is all about looking forward to the new year, too, I decided to work in a “look forward” theme, with her training three new characters (or, in Kefla’s case, a combination of two characters already in the Studio). Darkness is the last of the main KonoSuba girls for me to bring in, and Nessa’s a popular new character I’ve gotten a few requests for. Seras in the first panel is also new, though she’s been nominated for NHML maybe a dozen times. It’s also fun to bring in Mrs. Claus from the comic I did with CCat for Christmas 2018, paired again with her favorite boys, Mace and Jackie.

Cocotte and Zangya Character Ask 1

So, like Zangya mentioned, I kinda see the “Studio” version of her as someone trying to start over after an abusive/tragic past. We don’t know much about what her life with Bojack was like, but given how it ended we can assume it wasn’t great. Studio Zangya is someone who takes a lot of pleasure from her new life of freedom and fun, and I definitely read her as someone who enjoys being on top/in control (as we’ve seen in her relationship with Gohan). Cocotte, on the other hand, doesn’t have those regrets and doubts from her old life. Since she comes from a sort of pseudo-military group, it makes sense to me she’d be used to and comfortable with surrendering control to a commanding officer. So here we are. ^_^

Also, here’s the Q&A video I did last month, if anyone’s interested:

Cocotte Character Ask 3

I thought I’d have a little bit of fun trying figure out the character dynamic between Cocotte and Zangya with this one. One of the things these two have in common that made me want to pair them together in the first place is that they both have minimal characterization in their limited appearances. This means the “Studio” versions have a lot of their personality inferred or just made up, making them a bit closer to being OC’s than, say, Goku or the like. I liked the idea here that Cocotte answers with something pretty superficial and meaningless.
The original idea for the art here was going to be a bit simpler, basically just this pose but zoomed in more so you just see Zangya’s legs (not unlike the Gohan/Ashido Mini Commission from a ways back). I’ve been wanting to do the next pic in the series based on these two for a while, though, and I think that pent-up desire came out a bit and I ended up doing more-or-less a full pic of both characters. This made the Ask take up more of my daily schedule than I’d originally wanted, but I think the end result is better off for it. Hopefully sometime soon I’ll be able to do the actual next pic in their series.

Cocotte Character Ask 2

I can only assume the participants in the Tournament of Power don’t have a bunch of interaction after the tournament, right? I mean, they exist in different dimensions, so probably they’d only see each other with some help from some high-level authorities. I don’t know if this is something that’ll be touched on in future Dragon Ball works (or already has in ones I’m less familiar with), but Cocotte’s such a low-level priority character in the series that I can’t image she’d be too involved with anything like that anyway.
That being said, I’m sure Cocotte wouldn’t mind settling some scores from that tournament. In my eyes she came across as a bit buffoonish, so I imagine she’s probably embarrassed over how things went down (especially how she was eliminated). Of the characters she interacts with, Android 18 is I think the most prevalent. They fight a bit throughout it, and 18 is the one who eliminates her. Also, if we’re looking at the Cocotte living in the Near Hentai Studio, Cocotte has befriended another DBZ woman who’s been established as having some sort of beef with 18.

Whis Character Ask 1

I figured Whis would probably get a few Asks after I finally finished my first pic of him and he became available for them. I feel like the answer to this one is probably a bit boring and predictable, but hopefully the imagery that accompanies it will make up for that.
I considered also including something about Beerus’ sleep schedule affecting how “fun” training him is, but I dunno, in the end I felt it was better to keep this one short and sweet.

Whis Montage

So this is a pic I started a long time ago… I think these sorts of pics are pretty hard for me to finish. The way I like to work, I tend to prioritize things I think I can get done soon, and this is part of how I’m able to keep up the pace I do. Larger pics like this (including comic pages and things like Trap Sluts) tend to get put on the side a lot as a result. Like, if I focused on only it, it’s probably only take a week or two to finish, but then I wouldn’t finish anything else during that time. I do try and actually finish them, though, and here’s evidence of that.
I liked Whis as soon as I first saw him in Battle of The Gods. He’s just very cute to me, and I love his personality on top of his design. I also like how ridiculous his expressions can get when eating good food, and I definitely tried to capture a bit of that in some of the faces he makes here. There’s just something special about such a cool, composed and dignified figure emoting to that level. Anyway, with any luck I’ll get to draw Whis again sometime in the future, but for now here’s a bunch of fun little pics of him.

Cocotte Character Ask 1

I had a pretty good idea for how the text portion of this answer would go from the start. Obviously you gotta have her talk about justice, but then we can lewd it a bit by talking about keeping a fit body (and implying something naughty with these physical inspections). I thought about the visual portion for a bit, but decided I wanted to have her, y’know, “assume the position” for those inspections she’s mentioning. Mostly I just wanted to show her from an angle we hadn’t seen in her previous appearances.
People seem to be liking Cocotte so far, so there’s a good chance there’ll be more of her showing up. Of course I intend to do more of her series with Zangya, but maybe I can do some “canon” (as in, not set in the Near Hentai Studio) pics of her. I’m not really super interested in drawing the other Pride Trooper members, honestly, though it might be fun to pair her with people from the other universes in the Tournament of Power. We’ll see if people still like her in this pic and the other ones with Zangya, I suppose.

Cocotte’s Orientation, Part One

So the idea for this pic came to me a bit ago. Originally it was going to be a Studio Tour entry, but I started wanting to do a bit more with the idea and didn’t want the next several Studio Tour entries to all be dedicated to it. I didn’t quite have enough to do a full comic, though (and I’m already doing more of them than I’d like), so I decided it’d be best to do this as a series of pictures. I don’t know just yet how many entries there’ll be, we’ll be seeing more of these two later when I get around to Part Two.
I’m not sure what got me started thinking about it, but something felt right about pairing Zangya and Cocotte up. Maybe it’s just that they’re two colorful, elven-eared alien girls who play largely bit roles in their limited appearances, but I felt like they’d end up kindred spirits. True, if they met in the world of Dragon Ball they would’ve certainly been enemies (Zangya being a pirate/mercenary/criminal or whatever and Cocotte being a soldier of justice), but here in the studio that dynamic just doesn’t exist so they can meet on more neutral terms. Anyway, hope y’all will look forward to the next installment of this series!

Mito Freecss Character Ask 2

In case it’s not clear by the hair, the girl being “shared” by Gon and Mito here is Caulifla. I’m not good at explaining why some pairings make sense to me, but I thought she’d be a fun one to stick in this role (also I haven’t drawn her in a real long time, despite thinking I’d be drawing her a lot when I first met her). I don’t have too much to say about this answer, I’m afraid, but I think the pic and text themselves about cover it. ^_^