So here’s another Ask for Cocotte! I dunno why, but I have a lot of fun drawing her every time. This one was just an excuse to do a footjob pic with her (both for the Asker and for myself), but here it is! I have a policy against introducing new characters in Asks, so rather than use an established Pride Trooper for the pic I just used the same blue anon alien cock from her first pic I did.
Here’s the One-Shot I did for December, selected from nominations sent in by my supporters. Of course the holidays referenced in this comic have now passed, but it was more timely for my supporters. ^_^; This one presented a couple of unique challenges. First, was that I have very little experience working with the Fairly OddParents style (I’ve drawn it before, but it’s been ages). I did my best to find a compromise between my more realistic approach I usually use and the uber-stylized designs of the original characters. Also, the last panel was left completely open to me (except the dialogue). I decided that, since the pic was presented as a message from the Studio versions of characters, I should use Siat Wildstar, who’s sort of the mascot of the Studio. Since her panel is all about looking forward to the new year, too, I decided to work in a “look forward” theme, with her training three new characters (or, in Kefla’s case, a combination of two characters already in the Studio). Darkness is the last of the main KonoSuba girls for me to bring in, and Nessa’s a popular new character I’ve gotten a few requests for. Seras in the first panel is also new, though she’s been nominated for NHML maybe a dozen times. It’s also fun to bring in Mrs. Claus from the comic I did with CCat for Christmas 2018, paired again with her favorite boys, Mace and Jackie.
So, like Zangya mentioned, I kinda see the “Studio” version of her as someone trying to start over after an abusive/tragic past. We don’t know much about what her life with Bojack was like, but given how it ended we can assume it wasn’t great. Studio Zangya is someone who takes a lot of pleasure from her new life of freedom and fun, and I definitely read her as someone who enjoys being on top/in control (as we’ve seen in her relationship with Gohan). Cocotte, on the other hand, doesn’t have those regrets and doubts from her old life. Since she comes from a sort of pseudo-military group, it makes sense to me she’d be used to and comfortable with surrendering control to a commanding officer. So here we are. ^_^
Also, here’s the Q&A video I did last month, if anyone’s interested:

In case it’s not clear by the hair, the girl being “shared” by Gon and Mito here is Caulifla. I’m not good at explaining why some pairings make sense to me, but I thought she’d be a fun one to stick in this role (also I haven’t drawn her in a real long time, despite thinking I’d be drawing her a lot when I first met her). I don’t have too much to say about this answer, I’m afraid, but I think the pic and text themselves about cover it. ^_^