Tag Archives: Dragon Ball Z

Goku SSJ Magazine Pose

Last month I agreed to let a Lord Tier Subscriber upgrade their reward to a three-character pic for a little extra payment. At the time I knew that some of my other Subscribers at that tier who like to split their reward into two pics might see this as an invitation to get three one-character pics, but I don’t want to set that precedent as I think it’ll be a slippery slope from there. That being said, this month I had another Lord ask me about doing just that, but with their third pic only being an edit of one of their old commissions. I made an exception since it wouldn’t be a full new pic, but don’t expect to see something like this happen again.
What they wanted was the Goku Studio Life Magazine cover edited to be him as a Super Saiya-jin. Specifically, I was asked to make it feel like Goku how he appears in Space Emperor Slut, which included changing his expression along with the hair. A simple pic here, I know, but I hope some of you will like it.

Studio Halloween Party Highlights 2024

For the past few years I’ve found it increasingly harder to come up with ideas for new Spookyverse characters for the annual Halloween pic. While I’m sure it’d be possible to squeeze out a few more, and I might still add new characters to the roster in the future, I decided to change course this year and instead showcase a Halloween party similar to what I’ve been doing for Christmas the past couple years.
Like with the Christmas party, I wanted to give the random raffle character from the Halloween costume pic the spotlight center panel, so we see Arlene getting with some big studs like she wanted (Silas, Ginyu, Jeice and Salza). Her sister also gets to have some fun, plus some Velma-on-Saiyaman action and a few other fun appearances. I tried to fit in a few Halloween-appropriate characters, while also giving a few characters some costumes. Some folks here don’t have costumes on, either ’cause they didn’t bother dressing up for the party or because they already lost the whole costume. Everyone seems to be having fun, though, and I hope you all enjoy the page.