This Ask leans into the established dynamic that Chi-Chi is far more invested in keeping ties to Goku’s parents in the Studio than he is. A pretty simple one, but one I thought some folks might like. Of course I went with the default Studio designs for Goten and Gohan, leading to a fairly eclectic selection from periods of DBZ.
It’s been a weirdly long time since we’ve seen either of these two, so I figured a quick check-in was in order. I’ve already established that Videl and Zangya are on good terms in a previous Ask with them, but I thought I could add a little more insight on their relationship and how Videl thinks about things in general here.
Despite hooking up, Zarbon hasn’t really checked in on how Vegeta’s life has actually gone since they last met. I had this idea for Zarbon’s reaction to this question that I thought would be kinda fun, and I’ve been meaning to do something with him and Bulma for a while since I know she’d be eager. This exchange is the result.