Tag Archives: Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya Character Ask 8

So, this Character Ask is in reference to a previous one I did directed at Kota. It seems like Kota and Midoriya have grown closer since then. I don’t know how much there is to their relationship beyond the physical, but Kota’s found he quite enjoys servicing Deku, and Deku seems to be alright with being on the other end from how I usually draw him.

Also, here’s a new episode of “Near Talk”. This episode I mostly talk about my own experiences getting started as an artist and try to offer a bit of advice where I can.

Hero Support 1

This is the first of a two-pic series focusing on Mei Hatsume and Izuku Midoriya of My Hero Academia. I always liked Mei and wanted to draw her, so when I was looking for something fun and simple to do between larger projects she came to mind. I just love her expression and general attitude. I don’t know when I’ll get around to the follow-up image, but I know what I want it to be. It’ll come around some time.

Also, I’m very excited to announce the release of chapter two of Stained Capes, my ongoing hero corruption fiction story. If you’re interested, you can find it here: https://nearhentai.com/literature/stained-capes-chapter-two-the-breaking-of-nightwave/

Kota Izumi Character Ask 1

So Kota became an option for Character Asks after he appeared in his aunt’s NHML pic. For those who don’t know, Kota punches Midoriya in the balls early on, but comes to regret it later after Midoriya risks his life to save him. He brings up remorse for the punch a few times after being saved, so it made sense to me that he’d want to make amends for that by giving Midoriya’s balls some gentle loving.
Originally I was going to have Kota not wearing his signature hat, but then when I pictured him bashfully peeking out from under the brim the image was so cute I decided to keep it on. Hope you all like!

July ’18 One-Shot

Here is the One-Shot comic page selected by my supporters last month. This is another one of those “four unconnected panels” ones, but it did give me the excuse to finally do some Assassination Classroom work, as well as use Clementine again in something other than a Character Ask. Hope everyone likes the pic.

Also, I did another Q&A video recently.

Studying Footjob

So in My Hero Academia, Deku has this little notebook where he writes down information on the superpowers of the people around him for studying purposes. The kanji floating around him translate to something like “mutter” and crop up while he mutters to himself about what he’s writing/reading. My original plan was to have him scribbling down notes on Kirishima’s hardening ability, but then I realized that I’d accidentally drawn him reading instead of writing… I also didn’t have any idea what he’d actually be saying, so I decided to just have him reading the notebook instead. Probably he already has notes on Krisihima’s quirk and is just reviewing while studying the effect with his feet.