So Vaporeon won my last poll for the ‘dex. It’s not surprising to see another Eevee-line winner (Eevee tied for first on my last male poll, too), and I kinda suspect we’ll be seeing a lot more of the Eeveelutions through this polling system in the future. I always imagined Vaporeon to have a smooth texture instead of being furry like most of the Eeveelutions, so for this one I tried to make her extra shiny to convey that. I had a little bit of trouble fitting the full drawing into here without making them too small, so apologies her hand is off-screen and the tail’s partially obscured/cut off, but I think this is the best framing of it possible.
So, my first response to this Ask was to think, “Well, it’s already been established that these two have gotten physical with each other.” At first I thought maybe it’d be funny to have Jessie admit that she gives it up to easily for her to use sex as a bartering tool, but then I remembered that, like, catching Pikachu isn’t the problem. Team Rocket catch Pikachu more often than not, the problem is he always gets away. So then I thought, you know, maybe Jessie has tried (repeatedly) to sex Pikachu away from Ash, but Pikachu still escapes so Ash is basically just tricking her into fucking for nothing each time. That seems pretty in-character to me. The fact that Jessie would keep trying that tactic despite not getting the results she wants is kinda on her at this point.
So, my first instinct here was that Red wouldn’t be rankled. He just doesn’t seem like the type to me. However, I then had the thought that it might be kinda funny if the picture implied the reason he wasn’t rankled was because Ash is such a slut and he’s enjoying the benefits of that, too. It is, after all, a bit difficult to hold a grudge against someone with your cock in their mouth (or so I’d assume). So, now that I’ve explained the joke, hopefully it’s 10x funnier.
So here’s Eevee, who tied with Squirtle in the last Near Pokédex poll I ran. Now that they’re both done, I’ll be moving on to an entry for the female Pokédex (which one has yet to be determined). Hope you all like this entry. It didn’t go exactly as I’d hoped, so it’s difficult for me to look at it with fresh eyes, but I think it’s at least still cute.
My first thought reading the question for this Ask was Jessie’s original response. Jenny and Joy both seem like returning characters, but there’s actually very few times any of them make return appearances in the show. Jennys even get unique designs (especially in later seasons), though I went with the more standard design for recognizability’s sake. I had a few different ideas for how to convey the concept here, but in the end this is what I went with.
Here’s the One-Shot comic selected from a collection of scripts submitted last month. Smash Bros. had just come out, and I was really into it (still am), so the timing was good ’cause I was in the mood for Smash porn. I’ve always wanted to use Smash Bros. as a platform for content, but I never seem to be able to settle down and do some. The script here did not specify poses or dialogue or anything, so I got to plan out the page myself. ^_^ I added in lines from the game that I thought would fit the scene, for those characters who have lines like that.
Also, here’s a new episode of Near Talk where I talk a bit about my thoughts on crossovers and what I find appealing about them:

So I had a poll like usual to determine the next Near Pokédex M entry a while back, and it came down to a draw between Squirtle and Eevee. I decided the only right thing to do is both of them, so the next Near Pokédex entry (whenever that comes) will also be a male entry. In the meantime, here’s Squirtle, finally rounding out the Gen 1 starters for both NPM and NPF (though their evolutions are far from complete just yet). I always have problems drawing anthro turtles. I don’t know how their shells are supposed to work, and just like with the NPF Squirtle I ended up kinda winging it and hoping for the best. I’ll probably end up doing the same for any other future turtle Pokémon that show up for the ‘dex.

So, I treated this Ask sort of like if the question was, “Which crossover makes the most sense?” Obviously there’s more of a precedent between Pokémon and Digimon, with the two franchises seen as being competitors and the forerunners of the monster raising genre. Also, I think if I was going to pair Ash up with someone in My Hero Academia, it wouldn’t be Deku, but Denki. Their personalities seem closer (though I think Ash and Deku would get along great, I think he’d have more in common with Denki). There’s also the little matter of Ash already being very familiar with powers like Denki’s, and I think you could draw some cute parallels there.

This is a commission I fulfilled through the Epic Tier this month, featuring Ash and his Greninja with Todd Snap. I don’t know how familiar everyone is with the plot developments of Pokémon XY, but Ash’s Greninja has a special form called Ash-Greninja where he takes on some of Ash’s physical characteristics and also gets a skill boost through their link. I don’t want to explain the form too much here, but that’s the basic idea. The premise of this commission is that Todd wants to photograph this form, but since it kinda happens on its own in battle they decide to try and instigate the link through other means…