Tag Archives: Son Gohan

Son Gohan Character Ask 9

So this was one where I didn’t actually have a good idea for how to handle the “answer” portion. Maybe it was just a bit too open-ended, I don’t know, but I wasn’t sure if Gohan really would have many thoughts on this. Given the nature and structure of the Near Hentai Studios concept, most of the popular characters have worked with several other characters, and Gohan’s arguably the most popular character in the whole roster. He’s worked with a pretty long line of characters, both from DBZ and from other series, but I wasn’t sure how he would really feel about that. In my mind it’s kinda like asking someone, “Hey, you have a lot of friends, what do you think about that?” “Er, it’s nice?”
But I had the visual idea of the three girls mentioned crowded around his dick, and wanted to run with it. I just like the idea of them all servicing him together while he answers, and I also think blowjobs at this angle are kinda fun for Asks. You can’t see the action, but it’s left to your imagination and like that idea for what’s supposed to be a pretty simple pic like an Ask. Anyway, here’s the end result of all that.

Double Love Triangle, Page Six

Here’s page six of Double Love Triangle, the ongoing comic written by my sponsors. The person who wrote the script for this page said they were really in the mood to see more of Uraraka, which I think you can tell by looking at the final result here. Uraraka’s not gotten as much attention in my work as Gohan or Midoriya, so I think it’s nice for her to get the spotlight here before things change up in the next page (you’ll see next month).

Double Love Triangle, Page Five

This is page five of Double Love Triangle, the monthly comic my sponsors help me write. I mentioned last month that I’d tried to set up the page’s final panel in such a way that people could have some fun determining how to carry on. The winning script this time chose to keep the focus on Deku, Uraraka and Gohan for now, working in a bit of fun humor in the first panel. We’ll be sticking with these three next month as well, so if you like ’em tune in then. ^_^

Gohan and Uraraka Character Ask 2

So both Gohan and Ochaco have different opinions on this one, though I’m sure they could come to a consensus if need be. I think it makes sense for Gohan to stick with the people he knows best, while Ochaco is more interested in having fun with Tsuyu (I think their interactions are always super cute, though I think I could see her partnering up with any of the girls in her class). The guys were a little tougher for me. I know some people have non-Deku ships for Ochaco, I see a lot of Bakugou with her, but the way I see it she’d be more in the market for someone to fuck Gohan than a guy for her to play with, once Midoriya’s off the table.

Double Love Triangle, Page Four

Here’s the fourth page of Double Love Triangle, the current ongoing comic project. This page introduces the reason for the “Double” in the title, as we discover another tent in close proximity to the one we’ve been in so far. It’s worth noting, since it’s only briefly implied in the dialogue, but Gohan in the Xoverse attends U.A. alongside Midoriya and Uraraka while perfecting his hero identity “Great Saiyaman”. It’s not really important to the plot or anything, but figured it was worth mentioning.

Ochaco Uraraka Character Ask 1

So, a while back I did an Ask for Gohan and Zangya basically just asking which one performed better analingus. Gohan mentioned getting a third party involved, which sparked a whole conversation on my Discord between a few fans about who should judge, etc. So this Ask is attempting to continue that narrative by asking the individuals who came up as judges in that conversation about the contest. I was involved in the chat (though mostly on the side), but had no intention of actually doing anything with the concept. However, if these Asks continue on this path for the next few months, maybe we will have an actual winner. We shall see.
One of the judges who was named in that conversation was Uraraka here, for a pretty simple reason. Despite being from a different franchise, she has ties to both Gohan and Zangya through my Studio Tour and Character Asks. Zangya’s been stated to have a close relationship with all the MHA girls (though she’s so far only been shown with Jiro, it was mentioned she’s taken on a mentor role with most of them), while her and Gohan were shown having a bit of a fling in a previous Ask. Also, Uraraka’s got a booty just begging to be eaten out, so here we are.

Gohan and Uraraka Character Ask 1

I’ve never combined multiple Asks like this before, but here I felt like it fit. Both Gohan and Uraraka got questions basically looking to see what crossover pairings they might get into, but I think they make a good pairing themselves! I think Uraraka would be attracted to Gohan for a lot of the same traits that draws her to Midoriya, and I think Gohan would reciprocate. So here we are. ^_^