Tag Archives: Surge the Tenrec

April ’24 One-Shot

Some of you may remember Evan King, an original character from my Spookyverse. His gimmick is that he’s a would-be monster hunter who, despite his best efforts, always ends up failing to take down the monsters he hunts and instead gets toyed with by them in some fashion. The idea behind this One-Shot script was to have him meet that fate with a bunch of “monster” type characters this Subscriber is into. Some of them are pretty obscure, and it wasn’t easy getting reference material for everyone, but here they are. The first panel is Surge from the Sonic comics, who I’ve drawn before and is probably the most mainstream character here. The second panel features Ms. White from a little webcomic called Pixa Chats, who’s actually appeared with Evan before in a commission this Subscriber did with a different artist. Appearing beside her is Scream, one of the many Symbiote characters from Marvel comics, who this Subscriber has nominated for NHML multiple times in the past. The third panel is a character I think is just called Minotaur, from a manga called “King of the Labyrinth”. I read a bit of it to prep for this comic, and did not care for it, but the Minotaur’s design is alright. The last panel features Amber from Space Leaper: Cocoon and Dinah from Unicorn Overlord, a couple of games I’ve never heard of and know nothing about.

Kintaro Oe Character Ask 1

So I was kind of in the mood to do a Surge Ask when picking this one. She had several questions, but I wasn’t satisfied with the answers I was coming up with for the ones I could do, and so I figured I’d move on. Then I saw this question for Kintaro, and kinda thought I could work with that instead. Kintaro is very gay for women, and I don’t think he’d pass up a furry girl if presented with one. Surge is a little bit outside the type of woman I usually pair him with, but branching out is good and I like the idea of Kintaro being intrigued by how different some furries can be from what he knows.

Surge the Tenrec Character Ask 2

When talking about characters I could pair Surge with on the SubscribeStar Discord, I off-handed mentioned Gabi at least once. I kind of liked the idea for reasons I can’t fully articulate, maybe at least in part because Gabi is aesthetically similar to Satsuki (the girl Surge debuted with, not the one Gabi’s shot with before). At any rate, I saw this Ask as a convenient opportunity to explore the pairing, and I think they look good together!

Surge the Tenrec Character Ask 1

There’s a few ways I could’ve gone with this, I think, but in the end I thought an angle like this would be fun. Beerus being purple also allows me to make him recognizeable while not necessarily drawing all of him, something that’s useful for a day like today when I have a lot of other work to get to. For Bererus’ part, the last time I drew him he was fucking a different spritely little green lady, so Peridot might want to be on the lookout.

First Shoot #12 – Surge the Tenrec

The twelfth First Shoot rookie is Surge the Tenrec, a character from the Sonic comics. I know this character primarily though her support amongst my Subscribers, since I don’t follow Sonic media, but she seems cool and I like her look. Her random partner here is Satsuki from Ghost Stories, a girl I drew for a Halloween pic in 2021. I’m still working on improving my handling of Sonic characters, but I hope Surge looks alright enough here.