So here’s what I suspect will be the penultimate page of Special Training. I haven’t scripted/blocked the next page yet, but I’m pretty sure I can fit everything I want onto just one more. This quite post-sex conversation and footplay has been in my head for a good while, and Goku’s little fantasy bubble there was an idea I had while working on the first page of this comic a thousand years ago. As much as I would’ve enjoyed just thinking of new ways to show Goku fucking Gohan, it is kinda nice to finally be putting some of these old ideas to paper. No idea when the last page will be ready, but I will be working on it very soon!
Month: January 2019
So this is another commission purchased through my Epic Tier. I’ve never played any of the Tales games, or seen any of the anime. I know a handful of the characters through other artists’ work, but not these two, haha. Genis here is kinda cute, though, and I think the pic turned out overall alright. Naturally, if it’d been entirely my own pic than we would’ve seen his feet instead of having him in socks, but of course the client’s tastes are what matters most in these instances. The client referred to the pic as #1, so I guess there’s a chance he’s gonna commission more from this game in the future for those of you who’re fans. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the pic!
Here’s the third and probably final entry in the Loren Cox at the Pool commissions. After the build-up, Zak finally gets to point that sweet ass. I’ll probably bring Zak back for other Applebridge stuff down the line, but I need to bring in more named characters to fill his sort of role. Hope you all enjoyed the bonus Loren content. ^_^

f you’d like to see more of EcchiMask’s art, you can find his (SFW) DeviantArt here:
And his (NSFW) HicceArs here:
And here is where he posts most of his adult work:
So here’s the second page of EcchiMask’s comic “Study Break”, with colors provided by yours truly. The third page will be a bit longer of a wait than the one between the first page and this one, but it shouldn’t be too long before it comes out (look for it around the middle of February).
I had a bit of trouble coming up with an answer on this Ask. I thought about it for a long time, before eventually just letting Killua voice my thoughts on the matter in his own words. I’m not 100% sure what the asker was hoping for in a response, but I think Killua sums things up well here. Killua and Gon are good friends, and they help each other out mutually. So it doesn’t feel quite right for Killua to just, like, do something for Gon to thank him.
This here’s another Mini Commission, featuring Riley about to have a little fun. The MC description specified it should look like Riley’s taking a selfie (something I don’t have much experience conveying, sorry), but the Snapchat text was my idea. Just thought it’d be funny and add a little extra character to the pic. Hope you all like it!
I don’t have too much to say about this Ask, since I think it kinda speaks for itself. The Zangya bit comes from an old conversation on my Discord (which I touched on in Zangya’s Studio Tour appearance). After that, I thought it’d be funny if Mina just couldn’t stop thinking of girls she’d like to work with, hence the gag where her speech bubble goes off the page.
If you’d like to see more of EcchiMask’s art, you can find his (SFW) DeviantArt here:
And his (NSFW) HicceArs here:
And here is where he posts most of his adult work:
EcchiMask is an artist I met through Malezor, who has an ongoing Goku/Gohan comic called Study Break. After talking a bit, I agreed to color it, and here’s the first page of that. Some of you may notice the comic pairs well with my own Special Training, and if you wanted to view it as a sequel to that comic I’d have no issue with that. It fits in well with what happens in that comic, I believe, though I played no hand in writing this one (colors only, everything else is EcchiMask).