This is the first appearance of Terry Birch’s mom, Rosalynne, in her modern-day design. We saw her briefly in Terry’s first Ask, though it was an old photo of her and Mickie in college. Anyway, I’ve had this design in my head for a while now, and decided I’d go ahead and do her bio since I don’t know how long it’ll be until I’m ready to do a comic with her.
Month: September 2019
So, this question was posed before the September One-Shot was decided, but since Oliver has ended up involved in that comic (going public next month), his answer here is maybe a bit different than it would’ve been if I’d gotten to it earlier. Nonetheless, Oliver is going to get to have a little fun with some non-Applebridge characters in the studio, before he’s even gotten the chance to appear in his own Snapshot or anything. I guess that’s what can happen when a characters gets fairly popular right off the bat.
The last time I drew Adora and Catra, it was set pre-series, when the two of them were BFFs. This one is after Adora becomes She-Ra, when the two of them are mortal enemies (albeit with sexual tension bursting from the seams). I don’t do it often, but I enjoy a good “villain captures hero” scenario, provided the characters have the right sort of chemistry (which these two do). There’s actually a handful of times in the series Catra has Adora/She-Ra at her mercy, and those scenes always feel like they’re a few steps away from turning into something like what I’ve drawn here. So, yeah, this one feels like kinda an obvious scenario, and while I typically try and avoid those, I love these characters too much to not have a little fun with it. Hope you all enjoy.

I got an itch out of nowhere to work with Aunt Cass again… I’m really fond of her design, so it’s not too surprising, but I couldn’t tell you what sparked the urge. Regardless, I had some sketches of her lying around, so I dusted off this footjob one (since people are always asking me to do more footjob pics than I typically do) and decided to ink/color it. I wanted some sort of dialogue in there, though I can’t say if I’m happy with this dialogue… I do kinda like the idea of Cass being a bit self-conscious about her age, even though she’s not really old or anything, just ’cause it kinda sounds like something she’d worry about when being sexual with her young nephew. Anyway, hope you all like the pic, no idea when I’ll get around to visiting Aunt Cass again.
I’m not certain what the Asker here was expecting a yes or a no, I think it’s possible they might’ve been hoping to see Chris with a human character instead, but I like this response. Chris not only doesn’t get tired of being fucked by Mobians, he enjoys it so much the thought of getting tired of it is confusing to him. So… yeah, that’s about it. Another pretty straightforward Ask, but they can’t all be novel-length responses.
This was a pic I started way back in October of 2017… This pic is actually a first in a few different ways, and I thought it was cool at the time. Two years later and it’s still the first Hunter × Hunter yuri pic, and the first time two NHML winners have been paired together (this month’s NHML entry was actually drawn after this pic, but posted before it). I also just like this pairing on its own. Palm Siberia and Biscuit Krueger have a history (I’m not sure how much that history is explored, but they have a history), and I’m always fond of pairings, especially same sex pairings, where the two characters have a lot of differences visually. These two are practically opposites in a lot of ways, a tall, skinny, dark, creepy woman and a small, bubbly, blonde loli (even if she’s actually much older than she looks). Anyway, I had a lot of different things I liked about this pic, so it always stuck in my mind, and here finally I got back around to finishing it. I hope you all enjoy it. ^_^
So, in the Near Hentai Studios I’ve kinda worked with this idea that a performer’s fame is relative to how many pics they’ve shown up in, right? It was how I selected Chi-Chi for her role in my only Studio-based fic so far. So by that logic, Gohan and Goten are the second and third most famous performers in the Studio (Trunks beats out them both). I figured that would mean Luffy might would already be familiar with them, and Gohan especially I’ve characterized as a bit of a slut who’s partnered with a fair number of people from other franchises. I thought it’d be funny to acknowledge that in Luffy’s response. Sure, maybe Goku would introduce him to the boys, but maybe Luffy had already had the chance to get to know them before that. As for the visual portion, I went with Gohan just ’cause I know a lot of people like him, and it feels like I hadn’t drawn him in a minute (Double Love Triangle aside).