I mentioned in Envy’s Ask with Choso how I figured he’d crash Ed’s debut shoot. I considered including him here, too, but I figured it’d be better to just focus on Ed and Mustang’s dynamic a little instead.
Here’s the second page of Zombie Movie Night! The girls continue their conversation. I know some people have gotten pretty testy with me over having longer build-ups in some comics, but in this one we have the Lollipop Chainsaw movie they’re watching to keep the pages spicy while I establish Ellie and Clem’s dynamic in this universe. Also, we’ve got a little bit of a nod to some Xoverse lore here.
So, while Cloud’s sword may be a reference to Guts’s, his dick isn’t, so the gimmick I’ve done with Guts doesn’t always play out evenly. There had been some attempt to do this crossover before that didn’t pan out for one reason or another, but I figured I could make it work here for anyone interested in this crossover.
So I know there’s way too many comics on my plate right now, but I had the urge to do this and decided to act on it instead of let it fall off like so many other ideas in the past. Sowande Sakaki is a member of the Student Council, and has a really cute dynamic with Sayaka Kanamori. The Eizouken and Student Council have conflicting interests and butt heads repeatedly, and Sakaki and Kanamori have the most aggressive personalities on both sides. In spite of this, they seem to really get each other, so they usually have these back-and-forths while also being the strongest connection between the two groups. This means they have really good tension, which I’d like to make into sexual tension here for this comic.
So I know this may not be the most exciting Ask. However, it’s been a long while since this Subscriber got an Ask, and I thought even if the answer’s not super interesting it might be cute to see Stark get a little flustered. Even if he’d normally be fine being naked for an Ask, I think talking about how he normally wears clothes is making him a bit more conscious than normal of his nudity. A simple Ask, but hopefully a cute one.
So this is an idea I had a while ago, but never did anything with. I couldn’t tell you where it started, but the image of Maki and Yoinks playing some one-on-one just felt kinda right to me. I didn’t have anywhere to use the concept, really, but after doing Closing Time I decided to try and make this work following the approach I did for that comic. This page is a little more complex than any I did for Closing Time, and it won’t be the way the rest of the comic looks, but I wanted to get some stuff out of the way so the rest of the pages can be focused on the action.
This is one of the original pairings on my list when I first started the MomSwap series. However, due mostly to the art style of Dexter’s Lab, I kept putting it off. I’ve gotten to where I feel pretty comfortable adapting Dexter’s Mom, but Dee Dee’s in-series anatomy only resembles a human’s in the vaguest possible sense. I think I’ve settled on an approach that works without completely erasing their original designs, although I’m not completely happy with it just yet. However, I do hope people will like seeing them here regardless.