hentaib – Mickey and the Queen, Page 5


Here’s the fifth page of hentaib’s Mickey/Minnie comic in color! Mickey’s really going all-in on his assault on the possessed Minnie. It’s not clear if he’s actually getting through to the real Minnie, but at the very least the ghost possessing her seems to be having a good time!


Mentoring Artie

This here is Artie Smarty, the son of the owner of Smart-Mart in the Kim Possible universe. He’s a one-episode character, basically a complete brat that Ron’s supposed to mentor and help become a better person. The episode focuses in large part on Ron and Artie interacting, with Ron’s goofiness doing little to dissuade the rebellious punk skater kid. I actually wanted to draw Artie back a year or two ago when I re-watched the series to share it with my sister, but I forgot about him. While looking up reference material for the May One-Shot (which will be released publicly in June) I was reminded of him and decided not to forget a second time. I really like his design, and even though I may never draw him again I am pretty seriously considering basing an Applebridge character off of him so I can do more stuff with a shota along these lines. >:D

MomSwap – LaCienega and Sunset Boulevardez

This is the second Proud Family entry into the MomSwap series, and probably it’ll be the last. LaCienega is the bitchy rival character to Penny from that series (though later on they become sort-of friends). Sunset, her mom, is Penny’s mom’s best friend, so they have sort of a weird relationship with the main family. I don’t actually recall how LaCienega and Sunset’s relationship works, but that’s okay. I would like to point out that I had to tone down LaCienega’s feet quite a bit. In the show they’re almost as long as her legs, which is just too over the top, but I did still make them a bit larger than I normally would.

Ash Ketchum Character Ask 4

So here’s the thing about Near Pokédex. It’s probably obvious, but it doesn’t take place in the main Pokémon continuity. I don’t just mean because of the whole “Pokémon are anthro” angle to the series, but also the fact that I’ve never directly used any of the characters from the anime or games. Sure, I borrow elements from them, specifically in clothing, but if you look at a guy in that series who seems to be dressed like Ash, he’s very clearly drawn with a much different body type than when I usually draw Ash. This had led to some confusion in that series, like when I used Gary Oak’s hairstyle for the Eevee trainer and people thought he was just a buff Gary (which is understandable, I guess changing the clothes really isn’t enough to establish it’s a different character), or when Ms. Mime’s trainer had James-esque hair despite it being a different color.
Anyway, my point here is that the Near Pokédex series is not meant to be mixed with the main series in any capacity, but with Character Asks we can kinda dodge these rules. Earlier I did one where the NPM version of Sylveon was paired with Trainer Anya (a character who kinda exists in her own continuity, but is definitely closer to the original show than she is to the Near Pokédex), and now we get to see NPM Pikachu with main series Ash. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about my Pokédex designs, and honestly Pikachu’s one of the ones I most understand people finding creepy, but hopefully even those people can still enjoy Ash in this response. 😛

Son Goku Character Ask 2

So this Ask was one of those ones where I feel like the asker kinda already knew the answer and just wanted to see it. However, since there were four potential actions that could be taking place (Goku blowing Gohan, which would have made it hard for him to answer since his mouth would’ve been busy, Goku giving Gohan a handjob, or the reverse of either of those), I ended up just going with the one that I was most interested in drawing.