There’s plenty of people who could compete with Hercules in the Studio. I thought for this one, rather than show them fucking, I’d give a nod to Hercules’s Greek roots with a little wrestling. In case he’s not recognizable, his wrestling partner here is Clark Kent, better known as Superman, someone who I figured would have no problem keeping up with Herc (even if the “My Adventures” version here is a bit depowered compared to other incarnations).
Omni-Man and Vegeta are two of those characters who you just see compared a lot, and with good reason. I’m pretty sure Omni-Man would have no problem with the bulk of the Saiya-jins in the Studio, given how many of them are from an earlier time and not up to DBZ standards. I didn’t want to commit to how he’d look at, like, Shugesh or Raditz or someone, though, so I’m limiting his sample size. I think even if Vegeta outright bested him he wouldn’t fully admit it, but at the very least there should be some begrudging respect there.
I’ve hinted at it before and outright said it a few times, but despite some characters choosing to live day-to-day in their younger bodies, everyone in the Studio is an adult. Butt Witch is a character who hates immaturity more than anything, and I’ve shown before that her relationship with Reggie/Twelve in the Studio is a little different (evidenced most by Twelve’s chat history in Butt Witch’s Busy Weekend). I figured this Ask would be a good chance to reinforce this canon, though, and I went with one of the younger-bodied characters around to help demonstrate it.
There’s a number of redheads I could theoretically pair Johnny up with, but thanks to some communication with the Subscriber behind this Ask I had a good idea of the types of characters they were hoping for. Of those characters, I thought Dexter’s Mom would be a cute pairing. Johnny’s familiar with fat-bottomed moms, and while he’s not exactly like Johnny, I figured her husband was enough of a himbo type that she’d probably find him charming in a similar way.
This Ask leans into the established dynamic that Chi-Chi is far more invested in keeping ties to Goku’s parents in the Studio than he is. A pretty simple one, but one I thought some folks might like. Of course I went with the default Studio designs for Goten and Gohan, leading to a fairly eclectic selection from periods of DBZ.
I drew this version of Aladdin once on commission a long time ago. Besides contributing to one of our NHS Fusions, though, I haven’t done anything with him since. I never really got into Magi, but I remember Aladdin being a fun protagonist and I like his design well enough. Of the candidates for a partner for this Ask, I thought Luffy paired relatively well with him.
Also, for those interested, here is the Q&A video I did for Subscribers last month:
It’s been a weirdly long time since we’ve seen either of these two, so I figured a quick check-in was in order. I’ve already established that Videl and Zangya are on good terms in a previous Ask with them, but I thought I could add a little more insight on their relationship and how Videl thinks about things in general here.
Yoruichi’s a character who’s struggled to get in appearances since debuting in that pin-up a while back, but I figured I could use this Ask to not only bring her back into the spotlight, but also set up a little Studio lore for how she’s been spending her time. I’ve mentioned the Studio’s cat cafe, Catflix & Chill, before in a previous Ask (one featuring Yoruichi’s costars here, Power and Anzu). While the cats who appear there are mostly regular cats, I thought the idea of Yoruichi going there in cat form to get pampered and relax sounded like a cute idea that could tie this Ask together.
Yuji’s appeared a few times with Eren in different pics at this point, so I figured if there was any good candidate to be someone outside of his initial friend group he’d open up to, it’d be him. I don’t have much of an idea about how their dynamic would play, though, so I focused this Ask instead on Eren.
Kind of a basic one here, but something I figured some of y’all might enjoy seeing. Since Ed spends pretty much the entirety of her time on screen in Cowboy Bebop barefoot, there’s naturally some interest in seeing her use her feet for more than typing. I figured I’d throw Spike in as her partner for a little extra flair.