Character Asks

Ryūko Matoi Character Ask 3

So, one thing about Ryuko that I wanted to bring into this answer is how flustered she sometimes gets around sexuality and nudity. I don’t think she’s a prude or anything, but she seems like she can get easily embarrassed, and I like the idea of a more confident girl like Satsuki being able to push her buttons just right to gain the upper hand in a sexual encounter. Every time I’ve drawn these two before it’s been Ryuko chowing down on some Satsuki butt, which she seems to enjoy (and who can blame her), but I wanted to show a different wrinkle here. Ryuko’s not being, like, a BDSM sub here or anything, but she’s definitely taken a more submissive/receptive role now that Satsuki’s decided she wants a taste. 😉

Mina Ashido Character Ask 2

So, for this Ask I of course knew Mina would say yes to working with Gohan again (and I figured showing them together would spice up the response a bit), so those elements were kinda given. Mina’s one of those characters who’d be down to partner with almost anyone in the studio, I think, which was the main joke of her first Ask (where she kept thinking of more and more potential partners until her speech bubble ran off the screen). While I was working on this, though, I thought about how Mina might feel about the Gohan/Zangya rimming contest those other Asks covered. After all, she’s worked with Gohan now, and I plan to do something with her and Zangya eventually (Zangya has been established as taking on a mentor-like role with a lot of the MHA girls within the studio). So when she sees Ochaco get to be involved in something fun like that, maybe she’d get a little jealous. 😉

Beast Boy Character Ask 5

So I had two minds about how to answer this. Beast Boy is of course closer to Raven than her mother, but Raven’s also not one for enthusiasm or the like. In thinking of how Beast Boy would answer, I figured he’d be less sentimental and just go with who felt better, and in this case the experience and passion of Arella would probably give her the edge over Raven, even though Raven’s the one B.B.’s more in a relationship with.

Mace Mezzenga Character Ask 3

Mace is just being a brat, he doesn’t actually have business cards.
So, like this answer implies, Mace and Jackie were designed for the sole purpose of appearing in comics like their first few appearances. Just pair them up with some older woman, be it a teacher or neighbor or what-have-you, and then watch the sparks fly. The only reason either of them have appeared in any yaoi content at all is (much like with this Ask) by popular demand. So while I’m not against using them that way, it’s not really what they were meant for and kinda conflicts with their initial characterization. Still, it’s been a minute since Mace’s last Ask, and he was eager to get in the spotlight once again however he could. 😉
Also, here’s the QnA video I did last month for my supporters:

Denki Kaminari Character Ask 1

I dunno how much I have to add to this one… My first thought when reading this question was that it sounded dangerous to me to use an electric power when your mind’s, like, clouded by lust. Especially since Kaminari seems to have some trouble controlling the voltage output, I figured he’d run the risk of using too much and causing injury or worse. His anecdote about Kyoka towards the end is mostly indicative of his dumb impulsiveness. Kaminari definitely strikes me as the type of lover who’d do something inconsiderate like trying a new sex thing without consulting his partner. Jiro’s response also seems in-character to me, since part of what makes her balance out Kaminari in my mind is that she won’t take any of his shit. The strapon stuff is less a real solution to keeping him from shocking her (if he really wanted to, he could send out a shock regardless of if they’re touching), but more about teaching him a lesson. 😛

Shigeo Kageyama Character Ask 1

I’m not sure why I gravitated towards this Ask as the first one for this “batch”. I guess it’s partly because I immediately knew how I wanted to answer (Mob’s relationship with Ritsu is super cute, and I can’t picture him picking any other guy over him), and partly because I just haven’t done as much Mob Pyscho 100 content as I thought I would when I was watching the first season. I know some folks may be disappointed this pic’s not more lewd than it is, but I just really felt compelled to go more cutesy with this one. As for that smaller line of dialogue, Tsubomi-chan refers to the girl Mob crushes on from afar. I don’t have any plans to ever draw her, but it felt out of character for him to not at least think of her while giving his response. The mention doesn’t seem to have quelled Ritsu’s reaction to this answer any, though.

Tsuyu Asui Character Ask 1

Originally I didn’t think I’d be answering this Ask. I just… wasn’t really sure how to interact with this question. It’s so vague and strangely worded (no offense to the person who posted it), that I kinda glanced over it most of the month when looking for questions to draw answers for. Eventually I decided to try and answer it just as an excuse to draw Tsuyu again, since I feel she’s been criminally underrepresented in my work so far. At first I thought maybe she’d demonstrate “what that mouth do” by giving an anon dick a blowjob, spiraling her tongue around the cock, but for some reason I couldn’t get into the idea too much. Maybe I’ve just seen it done too many times? Anyway, I settled on autocunnilingus, which I’ve also seen done with her a lot, but I kinda like this sitting pose. As for the text part of the answer, I did my best to let Tsuyu’s playful side come out a little here.

Zangya Character Ask 5

So, if Zangya had won the contest between her and Gohan, it’s possible she might’ve thought up some kind of “penalty” for the loser. Gohan’s a sweet kid, though, and it’d hard for me to picture him taking much pleasure in humiliating Zangya just for losing a silly contest like this. Zangya might need more practice, though, and that’s where I took the concept, especially once I hit on the idea of using Blackfire. Like Zangya, Blackfire is an alien chick who takes great pleasure in playing domme, though in her case it’s with Starfire rather than some boy. However, I really liked the idea of Blackfire using this chance to get Zangya under her thumb for a little while, even if it’s just in the name of “practice.” I dunno, something about that dynamic seemed too good to pass up.

Mito Freecss Character Ask 2

In case it’s not clear by the hair, the girl being “shared” by Gon and Mito here is Caulifla. I’m not good at explaining why some pairings make sense to me, but I thought she’d be a fun one to stick in this role (also I haven’t drawn her in a real long time, despite thinking I’d be drawing her a lot when I first met her). I don’t have too much to say about this answer, I’m afraid, but I think the pic and text themselves about cover it. ^_^

Videl Character Ask 1

First off, I wanna say I think Videl’s expression turned out a bit angrier than I’d originally intended it. I do think the juxtaposition of her face with Goten’s is funny, though, so at least there’s that.
Videl’s a character I have a bit of trouble pinning down, but one element to her personality (at least in Z, I don’t recall seeing it much in GT or Super) is her tendency to get annoyed (it plays into the tsundere qualities mentioned in the question). So I worked with that to explain her tendency to switch between dominate and submissive. I think one way to frame it that she doesn’t mention is that she’s more dominate with female partners and more submissive with male ones, though I don’t think that’s a hard rule (I could totally picture her being more dominant/demanding with Gohan, for instance, while perhaps being more submissive with Chi-Chi or Bulma). I name dropped Pearl in her response because the original picture for this Ask was gonna be her and Pearl from Steven Universe, but the image wasn’t turning out like I’d hoped so I switched gears. The Miss Piiza reference is to an old pic I did of the two of them together (in their Super designs) that I always liked. I’ve of course also shown her being more in control with other girls in pics like the one I did of her and Marron not too long ago, and plan to do more along those lines in the future.