
Hot Yoga, Page One

I posted a couple commissions not long ago that I said were part of an emergency fund-raising effort I had to run. The bulk of the funds raised from that sale were through a ten-page commissioned comic. The individual who bought that comic couldn’t fully decide on which characters they wanted to use, however, so we agreed to split it into two five-pagers. This is the first of those, a little three-way featuring Yuji, Inosuke and Thorfinn.

Updates for this one might be a little spaced out initially. Both “The Eizouken’s Closer” and “Leave It All On the Court” are only a few pages from finishing, so once those wrap I’ll be able to focus on this one a bit more. Until then, though, I did want to at least get it started with this opening page, and maybe there’ll be another page or two before those other comics finish. Regardless, I hope y’all will enjoy this one!

Saiya-jin Girls Commission

So, of the standalone commissions I sold recently, this is the last one. This Subscriber has been pushing to get Nion into the Studio for a while now, and decided to get Gine and Fasha some action while they were at it. While this commission had a three character limit, for the cocks they wanted Bardock with Gine, Turles with Fasha, and King Vegeta with Nion. I’m not sure how clear it is, but that’s how I went with the colors.

Momo, Miko and Muko

This is another commission I sold recently to help cover some unexpected expenses. Dandadan’s a fun show I’ve been enjoying, and another fan of the series has been working to get Momo and her friends into the Studio. This commission was their best bet to do so, so here’s some naughty fun between the three gyaru friends after class. Momo will show up again eventually as I have some content planned for her, but it’ll probably be a while barring her showing up in Asks or something before then.

Also, by pure coincidence, today I’m releasing a Dandadan AMV, which you can view here:


Legoshi POV

So I recently had a bit of an unfortunate domestic mishap (following several other unexpected expenses) and decided to sell a small number of commission slots to help cover the cost. This is the first of those, the others you’ll see in the coming days. The person who paid for this image has been hoping to see me draw Legoshi for a while now, but I wasn’t likely to do that on my own as I’m not really into any Beastars characters. For this image they just wanted a simple POV and said they didn’t care who Legoshi was riding, but I decided to color him like Louis since I know that’s a popular ship.

Also, if you’d like to see the Q&A video I recorded for Subscribers last month, here it is:

Catra/Zarbon POV Commission

Here’s one-half of a two-part Lord Tier commission. The Subscriber for this one wanted to see Catra riding Zarbon’s dick, done in a POV style so it’d only count as a one-character pic. Like with an older Cheetara/Goku commission they did, I agreed to a creampie variation. The other half of their commission will be coming in about a week.

Krillin’s Guessing Game

So while the Goku edit from a couple days ago was like an extra add-on to a Lord Tier commission, this here is half of the actual commission. The idea here is pretty straightforward, I think, with the comments and guesses being left up to me. The other half of this commission will also be a stream, though one not directly tied to this one, and will come out a bit later on.

Goku SSJ Magazine Pose

Last month I agreed to let a Lord Tier Subscriber upgrade their reward to a three-character pic for a little extra payment. At the time I knew that some of my other Subscribers at that tier who like to split their reward into two pics might see this as an invitation to get three one-character pics, but I don’t want to set that precedent as I think it’ll be a slippery slope from there. That being said, this month I had another Lord ask me about doing just that, but with their third pic only being an edit of one of their old commissions. I made an exception since it wouldn’t be a full new pic, but don’t expect to see something like this happen again.
What they wanted was the Goku Studio Life Magazine cover edited to be him as a Super Saiya-jin. Specifically, I was asked to make it feel like Goku how he appears in Space Emperor Slut, which included changing his expression along with the hair. A simple pic here, I know, but I hope some of you will like it.