
Kaori Makimura Character Ask 3

So, I assume this question was meant to pull characters from eighties and nineties shows, more than characters who’s shows were set in the eighties (though a lot of them overlap). There’s plenty of characters I could’ve used who did live in the eighties; April O’Neil comes immediately to mind. However, I really wanted to do something with Kaori and Kei, who are two characters I like in a very similar way. Basically I just wanted to draw them together, so that’s what I did!

Killua Zoldyck Character Ask 14

I hadn’t considered this crossover, but I do like the idea of playing into Killua’s sweet tooth. I wasn’t really sure if anyone would want to see more of the brownie lady, since she’s a lot more cartoony than the characters I typically draw, but I was eager to take a fresh stab at drawing her (since the other pic was so old), and hopefully this one turned out cute.

EcchiMask – Sharing My Dad, Page 7

If you’d like to see more of EcchiMask’s art, you can find his (SFW) DeviantArt here:
And his (NSFW) HicceArs here:
And his y!Gallery here:
And here is where he posts most of his adult work:

Here’s page seven of EcchiMask’s comic “Sharing My Dad”, which I am providing colors for. In this page, we see a bit of how Ash is viewing things as Gohan sinks to his knees to blow his dad.

Ochaco and Maka Character Ask 1

So I know this one might be a bit boring visually, the Asks where characters are just standing around talking don’t always get huge responses, but I know the Gohan crossdressing Ask from a while back was popular and I thought some people might enjoy hearing a follow-up. There’s a bit of a limit for how long this question would be relevant, too, so here we are. Hopefully hearing a bit about Gohan’s exploits can get the imagination turning.

Studio Tour 9 – Pearl/Butt Witch

I don’t remember what first got me thinking about these two as a pairing, but I do recall being immediately interested in them. At first I started writing one of my AI-assisted fanfics pairing them up (those fics I’ve done a couple of where I write prompts and let an AI tell the story), and maybe someday that fic will go up on my site. However, I found myself more and more wanting to draw them, so I did this Studio Tour pic to bring the pairing to life. I might do more with them in the future, I’m not sure, and I do have another character I’m tempted to put in a role similar to Pearl later, too… But for now this is what we have, I hope y’all like it. 🙂

Ryūko Matoi Character Ask 5

I’ve mentioned before I typically prefer to use both Ryūko and Satsuki for yuri content, but everyone in the studio is pansexual so it’s okay to veer off the established path a bit. I thought Yusuke would make for a good straight partner for her, since both of them are based off of retro Japanese delinquent archetypes. I don’t have much more to say about this one, I guess, but I hope y’all like it.

Son Gohan Character Ask 13

So I knew what I wanted to do for the text portion of this one right away. I think even a powerful woman’s pussy is still going to be just as sensitive as anyone else’s, so I don’t think you need to match her power to satisfy her (unless she needs rough play, I guess, but that’s not really something I picture Gohan getting that into). The real question here was who to pair him with for the demonstration. Since the question mentions the Studio, I felt it needed to be someone not from Dragon Ball, so I was looking through my list of people in the Studio for a suitable partner. I don’t know how recognizable she is, especially in this position, but I went with Guu from Haré+Guu (full title Jungle wa Itsumo Hare Notchi Guu). Guu’s a deity-level being of unknown limitations who mostly uses her power to mess with a boy she met in the jungle. She’s usually a loli, but has this adult form she takes a few times in the show. I don’t know if anyone remembers this show, and I’m sure nobody remembers me drawing her back in 2010, but I really liked the idea of bringing her back for this pic after a decade of inaction. The one downside to using her is that she’s kinda the ultimate stoic, rarely showing any expression whatsoever, so I couldn’t show how affected she was by Gohan’s SSJ2 fucking. Just know that for her, an open mouth and slight blush is basically the equivalent of a full-blown ahegao.

NHS MILFs – Eighteen

Back with another Dragon Ball girl for the NHS MILFs series. Android 18’s a very popular character I don’t draw often enough, but I knew she had to be included in this series. This is arguable not her “MILFy-ist” design, since she looks identical to how she did before having kids, but I’ve been pulling from the Buu saga so far with Chi-Chi and Bulma’s looks, so here we are. Hope you all enjoy, next time will be a mom from a different popular series I’ve drawn a bunch of.

Chun-Li Character Ask 1

This is another case of me choosing an Ask because I wanted to draw the character again. I’ve always really liked Chun-Li, although I find the proportions she’s often depicted with a bit intimidating. I tried to find a middle ground from the extremes I often see (I’ve seen official art of her both skinny and with thighs as thick as a full person), since we see more of her here than in the One-Shot she appeared in. As far as who to pair her with, I had my options for what “star” I could use. I didn’t want to do Gohan again, since she was with him in the One-Shot, and someone like Goku or Luffy didn’t feel right. I think I really like pairing Deku with strong women, and so I went with him. I think he’s a good fit.