
Subscriber Scenarios #6 – Christmas Cleanup

Since this scenario’s expanding on a panel from the most recent Studio Christmas party, I thought it’d be fun to tie it in to another panel from that party. I know this one’s maybe a little more PG-13 than I usually do, but I just had this interaction in my head and thought it’d be cute.

Willow Park Character Ask 1

So I only watched a small portion of The Owl House, but even I got past the part of the show where Willow and Amity made up. Willow and Amity were close friends when they were younger, but for reasons grew apart and Willow became Amity’s bullying victim. This is resolved after Amity’s face turn, however, and in the Studio I see no reason why they wouldn’t be closer than ever.

Kida Nedakh Character Ask 1

Kida and Chel appeared together in the background of the first Christmas Party comic I did a few years ago. They didn’t have any dialogue or anything, and neither of them have really appeared anywhere else other than their respective debut pics, but I like the idea of these two being friends in the Studio. They come from pretty different cultures, but I think they both probably had similar adjustment periods after arriving in the Studio, and can probably relate to each other in that way.

Hercules Character Ask 1

There’s plenty of people who could compete with Hercules in the Studio. I thought for this one, rather than show them fucking, I’d give a nod to Hercules’s Greek roots with a little wrestling. In case he’s not recognizable, his wrestling partner here is Clark Kent, better known as Superman, someone who I figured would have no problem keeping up with Herc (even if the “My Adventures” version here is a bit depowered compared to other incarnations).

Studio Christmas Party Highlights 2024

As has become tradition, here is a compilation of some moments from this year’s Studio Christmas party. Hiro Hamada won the lottery to get chosen as the official Studio Santa this year, but as you can see he’s not the only one sporting the look. I had a lot of fun putting together this year’s party, and I tried to fit in an eclectic selection of characters. I hope there’s a little something for most everyone here, and I’d like to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas.

Studio Halloween Party Highlights 2024

For the past few years I’ve found it increasingly harder to come up with ideas for new Spookyverse characters for the annual Halloween pic. While I’m sure it’d be possible to squeeze out a few more, and I might still add new characters to the roster in the future, I decided to change course this year and instead showcase a Halloween party similar to what I’ve been doing for Christmas the past couple years.
Like with the Christmas party, I wanted to give the random raffle character from the Halloween costume pic the spotlight center panel, so we see Arlene getting with some big studs like she wanted (Silas, Ginyu, Jeice and Salza). Her sister also gets to have some fun, plus some Velma-on-Saiyaman action and a few other fun appearances. I tried to fit in a few Halloween-appropriate characters, while also giving a few characters some costumes. Some folks here don’t have costumes on, either ’cause they didn’t bother dressing up for the party or because they already lost the whole costume. Everyone seems to be having fun, though, and I hope you all enjoy the page.

Subscriber Scenarios #1 – Ruining the Mood

So this is a new reward I’m testing out for my $20 tier on SubscribeStar. The idea is that Subscribers at this level or above can submit to me scenario ideas, little story-based scenes involving characters within the Studio (though they don’t have to be set in the Studio, like this one is). Each month I’ll choose one that interests me and do my interpretation of the concept. Since this is a test run, how people respond to the concept (both in and outside the tier) will help me decide if it’s something I want to try and keep doing every month.

For this idea I thought it’d be funny if Gojo was just annoying Nanami while he tried to relax with Tiana. That makes this one sort-of a sequel or epilogue to Closing Time. I thought maybe some folks might enjoy seeing this pairing return with a slight twist.

Joy Character Ask 1

So Joy isn’t able to get into the specifics here, but I figured I might just in case anyone was interested. So the emotions in Riley’s head are, of course, metaphorical. Like, I don’t think if you put her in an X-ray you’d see the command center and everything in there. So, to bring Joy into the Studio, she was brought in separately as a character, which is also why the other emotions aren’t in the Studio. Then, for her brief appearance in Sleepover Raid, she was set up in a set made to resemble the inside of Riley’s head from the film. This means that, within the Studio canon, Joy can act freely and interact with other characters, including Riley. I’m sure Studio Joy wouldn’t waste much time in doting on Riley, and I tried to make it clear they have an ongoing dynamic where Joy embarrasses Riley in one way or another.

I’m hoping to do a little more Inside Out stuff sometime in the future. Riley has a new, slightly older design in that movie, plus I’ve never gotten around to her MomSwap (although that one will probably use the first movie’s designs). I have some sketches of Sadness I’m thinking of dusting off, plus I’m interested in maybe doing something with Riley and Val from the second film. No clue how much of that will end up seeing the light of day, but this Ask is me exploring going back to this franchise a little eventually.